The Primarchs Gather: Wrath of Magnus Fluff SPOILERS

By Rob Baer | December 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

magnus-horz (1)

Don’t miss these new pics, and a synopsis of the story from the new Wrath of Magnus as the 40k Primarchs start to appear!

You saw it here first, one lucky hobbyist sent in these pics of some key points in the new book that look to be super spicy:




Looks like it’s a case of all as planned for this one folks. Should we brace for an upcoming Black Crusade supplement series in the future. The portents look to spelling out Y-E-S.

Source: Evan Valdyke via Imgur

I think that is enough to make you have to click

So the story seems pretty good but I have 2 complaints
1- Logan turning over all the citizens of Fenris potentially tainted by chaos to the INQ. Totally out of character. He executed a Grey Knight captain and fought a psuedo-war against the Inq after the 1st war of Armageddon over the same issue. Now he just back tracks. And does so with the lives of his own people.
2- No mention or hint of the Cegorach. Anytime Tzeentch has big plans, it should involve the Cegorach throwing a wrench in them.

wrath of magnus story synopsiswrath of magnus story synopsis
wrath of magnus story synopsis

More on the Curse of Magnus Supplement:

We got all the new formations from Curse of Magnus for you today, as they are already making the rounds on Facebook.

BoLS has been covering the brand new supplement all week on their site as well:

The new Detachment which contains the formations we’ll be showcasing below:

wrath of magnus detachment

wrath of magnus detachment

(Photo Credits BoLS)

And now the six Thousand Sons formations themselves:

exiles war-sect-rehati war-coven war-cabal tzaangor-warherd skimet-conclave

Photo Credit (Facebook)

So from this it looks like T-Sons players got some very specialized rules for playing their legion the way it should be; with lots of psykers or with mass infantry / daemon engines (like for a siege perhaps..)

There is a HUGE potential for psychic dice here ( I think the original article counts 14 from the two formations), but you still have to take some compulsory units as well. Here’s looking at you Kroot er I mean Tzaangors…

Either way, pairing this with the new Russian nesting doll Horror units and you have some crazy psychic potential at your sorcererous fingertips- like never before!

Time to break out the calculator if your playing with Pink Horrors? What do you think of their rules for the Daemons?

That’s it for this one, we’ll break down more of the book from Frontline’s teaser post as soon as we can.

Thousand Sons wrath of magnus

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