There may a new untapped gold mine of Lore info not available to the public. A brand new Q&A has popped up with someone who claims to have inside information!
The rumor mill is strong when it comes to 40k Lore. One user over on Reddit claims to have a bunch of answers to the questions you may have, and has started a Q&A post, where you ask him whatever you want (AMA), and he’ll provide and answer if he has one. Let’s see what Ollaniuspiouslives has had to say so far.
As of now these are just rumors, not to be taken as 100% factual!
Editors Note: Some of these rumors seem to not line up with the character previews in the new Gathering Storm III book that we saw yesterday, Add a extra helping of salt to this one.
Q: What role are the Grey Knights playing in GS3? Seems like they just show up out of no where(I know they predict daemon invasions, and there’s one on Macragge) but is that their only reason? Or is there something with the Terminus Decree? Also, did you get any looks at the upcoming rules for any of the new fluff (Gathering Storm 3 and whatever the next part is called)?
Have you seen any mention of Dark Eldar(Commorites, not Ynnari) and Tau?
A: No joy on the rules front mate, purely the background stuff. I can enquire but dont expect too much back!
Its insinuated the grey knights have prior knowledge and that they may not be as pure as they should be. There is heavy mention of the heroic actions of one particular paladin skewering a daemon, possible new character?
The Tau stuff I paid particular attention to (guess my faction) and I was really happy to see a Kroot mercenary leader being front and centre, leading a cadre of disillusioned Tau. This is big, the first mention of Tau themselves straying front the greater good!!! Despite being psychically null, they find themselves able to communicate with the Chaos forces and play all sides against each other. There is a shadowy figure involved that I think is a corrupt ethereal
Q: Oooohhhh do elaborate, do the tau finally take their place as the rightful rulers of grim dark?
A: Not quite, but there is a significant chunk of it dedicated to Tau expansionism, hoovering up in the wake of the Imperium losing its grip. The Kroot and the Vespid both get a mention (the Kroot quite significantly) which is nice!
Q: This is pee my pants exciting, it’s about time the kroot got some love. I’d forgotten that the Vespid existed! I need more information!
A: In essence there is a Kroot mercenary outfit, including some disillusioned Tau, who play off all sides. I’m guessing there will be a new release at some point? Or GW have a surplus of plastic Kroot 🙂
The vespid get one mention, of an attack on an imperial guard supply company at rest. Its quite impressive stuff, they home in on pheromones released from the guard
Q: Chaos bits, let’s hear it….
A: Abaddon unsurprisingly dies. What is interesting is he is felled by a couple of guard using an autocannon. He does wreak havoc beforehand and is weakened (from an unlikely quarter, Cypher) during a pitched battle, they don’t just pick him off with a lucky shot. As my username suggests a love a guard underdog. Mortarion leads a chaos offensive, temporarily uniting factions until it runs out of steam. There is a nice touch to the old epic days with some warriors riding into battle on the back of a brass scorpion (who remembers them)
Q: Are there any other primarchs returning? Do you know which?
A: Vulkan is in there. The salamanders return from a crusade with him. No mention of the artefacts that I recall. The salamanders have pulled him from a death world, having taken some of the lizard life for the chapter. Vulkan rides to the head of an attack on a giant one of these lizards. The Salamanders are making a beeline for Earth, I think when the emperor croaks they may go traitor
Q: What of Mars and the mechanicus?
A: So the Mechanicus have been working on ordinatus, they unveil two during a city battle and lay waste to it by dropping bombs of pure energy into the city. They have engaged several chapters in an STC hunt and are pursuing an STC gearing system from the age of technology. They look at ork technology for answers, due to its machine spirits working even in such crude tech. NY secret hope is that they bring back a monowheel model for someone, Ork or admech (not mentioned, that’s just my secret hope)
Q: Are the Guard still being treated as the whipping boys for Guiliman and friends?
A: Pretty much. This hacks me off as an ex-guars player myself. Lots of stuff around static siege warfare, a bit around a tribal regiment so maybe a new direction there? Despite my throwaway name, Ollanius Pious is not mentioned! What I got from it all is the guard are pressing in less worthy recruits, just to fill numbers. Prior to Cadia imploding, they reveal a doomsday device that fails to function.
Q: Please tell me White Scars get some love. There’s all of 3 white scars models, two shitty ones and a pretty damn good looking Deathwatch character in KT Cassius.
Will we get to see a return of Jaghatai Khan this year?
Are the Blood Ravens fallen, or loyalists condensed from traitor Legions, or what? I’d really like to finally get to the bottom of this mystery.
A: Not quite love I’m afraid. Red Corsairs destabilise the white scars homeworld atmosphere whilst they are deployed, leaving the planet barren and 99% uninhabitable. The scars themselves take a bit of a mauling. They are on a personal revenge crusade now and won’t reply to calls to come back
Q:Do we learn anything about the Dark Angels in this book?
A: The Dark Angels are fuming that Cypher gets a pass on a millennia of tomfoolery for helping out. They arrange an assassination attempt using a tiny digital laser, which goes wrong. Its unclear if its a disgruntled group or the whole chapter, there is a ‘shadowy figure’ who is high in the chapter though involved
There is so much information being put out! Something tells us this is only a start to the information that Ollaniuspiouslives will be putting out. Be sure to head on over to his Reddit and get those questions answered that have been in the back of your mind, and you just must know the answer to now!