Sergeant Of The Scouts: Torias Telion LORE

Telion Feature

Come and learn about a man that has turned down many promotions to train the future of his chapter and hone their combat skills.

This Top 30 Space Marine is a man who can get it done with a rifle and has trained countless numbers of soldiers for the Ultramarine chapter Let’s learn more about Torias Telion.

Via: Lexicanum

top 30 space marines

Telion has served under three successive Chapter Masters, and personally trained four of the current Ultramarines Captains. Despite having earned a position in the Honour Guard many times over, Telion has elected to remain with the Scouts of 10th Company, training the future warriors of the Chapter.

Over three hundred years of service to the Ultramarines, Telion has become a master of all aspects of war. A superlative hand-to-hand combatant, Telion can defend himself from almost any attacker, while few opponents can defend themselves from his precise and controlled blows.

Yet Telion is best known for his uncanny marksmanship, which is almost unmatched in the entirety of the Chapter’s history. Using Bolter or Sniper rifle, he can deliver a killing shot far beyond the official range of either weapon. His most well-known exploit came during the Siege of Pallia, where Telion eliminated both the Commander and the Ethereal of the Tau invasion force with only two well-placed bolter shots, at extreme range.

Much of Telion’s skill is an innate gift, a quirky fusion between his latent ability and his geneseed, yet he is such a fine instructor that many raw recruits under his tutelage have become as skilled as the most experienced Captain. Thanks in large measure to him, the Ultramarines have a well-deserved reputation for fielding the finest marksmen of any Space Marine Chapter. Indeed, so famous is Telion that he has been frequently seconded to other Chapters with close ties to the Ultramarines, in order to pass on his teachings for the wider benefit of the Emperor’s cause.


Telion answered cries of help from the people of Calth when Old One Eye, a unique Tyranid Carnifex, was released from its frozen slumber in the ice and went on to slaughter its way across the planet. Telion tracked down Old One Eye, but found it difficult to pierce its armoured flanks. As Telion’s warriors were cut to pieces by the beast, Telion made a one-in-a-million shot that hit the creature’s ruined eye-socket, the same wound which had stopped its first rampage on Calth. Old One Eye was overcome with pain and stumbled into a cavernous ravine. Telion led a search for the body, but Old One Eye was never found.

As of 999.M41, at least one soldier of the Calthian Ultramar Defence Auxilia was named “Telion” in the Sergeant’s honour.


Black Reach

Telion was seconded to Captain Cato Sicarius‘s Second Company during its deployment to Black Reach in 855.M41. After the initial liberation of Ghospora Hive from the Orks of Waaagh! Zanzag, Telion was instrumental in tracking down the Warboss‘s hidden submarine base in an underwater cavern, where Sicarius launched the final assault of the campaign.


During the Bloodborn‘s Invasion of Ultramar in 854999.M41, Telion led a force of sixty scouts from the 10th Company to Quintarn, where the 5th and 6th Companies under Captains Galenus and Epathus were battling against the forces of the Dark Mechanicus Adept Votheer Tark. Although Galenus demanded that Telion and his Scouts attach themselves to the main order of battle, Telion refused these demands, and Chaplain Cassius eventually convinced Galenus to let the Scouts go.


Telion faded into the desert with his men, invisibly watching over the Marines and striking without warning at the Chaos forces. Telion shrewdly perceived that Tark’s single advantage as a warlord was his ability to manufacture war machines at an alarming rate, and replace his battlefield losses with impunity.

Therefore, Telion led his Scouts on a series of missions to infiltrate and destroy Tark’s Dark Mechanicus forges, including the largest and most important located atop the Maidens of Nestor. Without his manufacturing capability, Tark’s forces were swiftly routed and destroyed by the superior tactics and training of the Ultramarines.


Find Out More About Sergeant Telion!