Eldar Serpent Strikes: Eldar Adepticon Army Showcase

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Eldar have constantly been a threat in 8th edition, and Adepticon was no exception. Check out this amazing mixed Eldar force’s paint job!

Adepticon 2019 brought players from all across the globe. Check out what the Eldar brought along in this showcase. Let us know if your list looks similar!

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The Serpent Strikes: Eldar Adepticon 2019 Army Showcase

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Eldar are an ancient mystic race that has some beautiful architecture and paint design. Check out the display board they’re all on! It looks like they’re marching through an age-old aeldari monument and all of their bases even match! This small effect really ties the armies together.

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Looking at their flyer wing, you really have to just stop and stare at the paint job to soak in all the detail. Not only is there a fade of triangles, but there’s also an incredibly intricate design of twisting wraithbone-colored stripes.

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The Wave “Serpent” -Pun intended, has a paint job like one we’ve never seen before. This unit is a staple in the Eldar army and this army has a centerpiece-quality paint job!

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Shining Spears hit like a truck in 8th edition. They are fast and can obliterate units unlucky enough to get caught in their way. what makes them even better is that these guys all have a matching paint scheme with just enough differences to give them a feeling of “having their own story”.

These guys might match, but they definitely aren’t your typical rank and file paint job.

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Lastly, there’s a Skyrunner backing his buddies up on a bike as well. Notice the freehand work on his robes? Overall, this army has a real “deep space” feel to it with the speckled white paint on the blue backdrop of the armor plating. It’s a paint job that’s risky but looks stunning if it’s pulled off right. Great job giving each and every T3 unit as much detail as the huge flyers!

What do you think about this Eldar force? What’s your favorite unit in the faction? What does your paint scheme look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT