The Terror From Deep Space: Conversion Corner

Bug FeatureThe Tyranids are some of the most unstoppable creatures in the universe as they just want to keep moving and eating forever!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by Spikey Bits Email Submitter Lukas Isepp.

Silent death!

Terror of Carinthia

My Name is Lukas I’m 27 and from Austria. I’ve seen ur post on ur Homepage and thought maybe u can make something with my conversions.

Terror of Carinthia

Currently I’m working on some different projects.

Terror of Carinthia

The things that are finished or more or less finished are my Red terror conversion the “Terror of Carinthia”.

Terror of Carinthia

This Tyranid creature is designed for one purpose.

Terror of Carinthia

It’s designed to kill its prey without a second thought.

Terror of Carinthia

If the ground under you begins to rumble it may already be too late.

Terror of Carinthia

Something like this may just pop out and eat you.

Terror of Carinthia


Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!