The Trojan Squig: Ork Conversion Corner


Hi, frens! When the Orks are ready to invade a world owned by man, they sometimes come disguised in the best of ways! Behold the Trojan Squig!

Come see one awesome model brought to us by Jarrod Jennings on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Wanted to make one of these since I saw someone else’s online years ago. So I took a hacksaw to one of my rhinos and tada! Sneaky tank bustaz. Not finished yet and the paint is pretty rough but you get the idea.


Sometimes the Orks are a lot more sneaky then we give them credit for.


If you ever see a tank start to break up and become green, RUN.


There could be Orks hiding in that wreckage.


“Can’t you read the sign, it’s NOT ORK!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!