The Truth On the New Blood Ravens Rumors?

dow3 chapter master gabriel santos blood ravenThere’s a new Blood Ravens rumor floating around about potential new minis, but don’t go getting your hopes up. This one may not live up to the hype.

This new rumor was spotted around the interwebs heralding the coming of new Blood Raven miniatures, and followed by this picture:

Blood Angels Rumor

At first look if you take this reply from Warhammer 40,000 out of context, it would seem like Warhammer was saying; “Blood Ravens are coming from Forgeworld soon”, or that they will “get Forgeworld rules”  but that may not 100% be the case here (Hobby PSA: Forge World is two words not one).

As you can see they were replying to Mr McDonald  and not Mr. Early. So what were the previous comments?

dow angelos

Where is the thing that Warhammer 40,000 was replying to Mr McDonald  about?

Don’t worry, we got you fam, we did the digging and found the post to get the real scoop here about what the heck GW is referring too:

Let’s take a look at the full thread:

Blood Angels Rumor Full

So it appears that Warhammer 40,000 may not be saying that Forge World will be putting out more Blood Ravens (Plural), but simply that one model, Gabriel Angelos, Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens, will be coming soon from Forge World.

If you remember GW revealed him recently during Warhammer Fest so this isn’t anything we didn’t really already know about really per ce.

Warhammer Fest Releases

Sorry Blood Ravens fans, it may not be exactly what you were hoping for army wise, but there is still an amazing Gabriel Angelos, Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens model coming soon-ish to look forward to for sure!

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