The Wolves Unleashed On Prospero – LORE

By Zeb Barrett | November 12th, 2016 | Categories: Space Wolves, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News


The Wolves were unleashed upon a world with intense furiosity, dropping like death from the sky on an unsuspecting Tizca!

Not prepared for a major air attack, Tizca was easily overun when countless Space Wolves dropped in with massive firepower!


Via our good friends at Lexicanum


Stymied by the city-wide kine-shield, Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves and long mistrustful of the Thousand Sons, led his legion to landfall. Landing in assault-boats on the eastern side of Tizca, their numbers were so great that onlookers on the ground confused their landing craft with grit particles cast adrift on the winds. Only when they grew closer was the terrifying truth unveiled: the Space Wolves and their allies were landing in such force that Tizca was sure to be annihilated.


The Thousand Sons, in their pride and arrogance, had assumed that Tizca would never face close-in air attack, and so there were no anti-aircraft guns to threaten the landers or Stormbirds that pummelled the ground defences. Leman Russ himself was the first attacker to set foot on Prospero, leading hundreds of Astartes into the systematic destruction of Tizca’s coastline. In an extension of this attack, Thunderhawk gunships blasted clear landing zones further into the eastern part of the city, dropping hundreds of Space Wolf assault elements into the midst of the assembling citizen militia.


While some Thunderhawks were struck from the sky by accurate defensive fire, the overwhelming majority of Space Wolves landed with no problems, immediately striking out at all around them. As these infantry waves linked up, the areas behind them, burned and flattened, were clear for armour units to be air-landed. Predators, Land Raiders, Vindicators and Whirlwinds were deployed, the first three types of vehicle assigned to methodically blast buildings into rubble and gun down all inhabitants that they saw.

The Whirlwind artillery batteries were first assigned to strike symbolic targets, such as the statue of Magnus atop the Acropolis Magna, before being loosed in indiscriminate fire missions into areas of the city as yet untouched by the fighting. Loaded with incendiaries, they made sure the City of Light burned.


Land Speeder crews continued the general devastation, flashing through the city indiscriminately gunning down civilians. In direct response to these hunting packs of Land Speeders, the Prospero Skyguard mobilized their own speeders, disc-shaped craft armed with melta-weapons and missiles, and vicious low-level dogfights broke out as a result. Emboldened by this visible sign of resistance, the Tizca militia and citizenry rose up to attack the invaders in whatever ways they could. Behind these random groups and pockets of resistance, the Prospero Spireguard moved into battle, assigned positions by officers of the Corvidae.

The 15th Prosperine Assault Infantry took up positions in a line between the Pyrae Pyramid and the Skelmis Tholus. Their commander, Captain Sokhem Vithara, made the Kretis Gallery, the oldest museum and art gallery on Prospero, his headquarters. The Prospero Assault Pioneers dug themselves out of their collapsed barracks and prepared to sell their lives dearly. The Palatine Guard assembled at the edge of the Space Wolves’ deployment zone, their commander, Katon Aphea, positioning them with a notable tactical brilliance.

Leman Russ and the Space Wolves hit Aphea’s line next and overran it within minutes. Tizca was burning.

Find out more about The Wolves Unleased