These 3 40k Army Lists Crushed the Battle for Valhalla!

space marine wal hor tourneyKeeping tabs on the meta after the 2020 LVO, the Battle for Valhalla is over and the results are in. Check out which 40k army lists rose to the top.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at events as if we were there ourselves. And at the Battle for Valhalla GT, we’ll be looking at which lists rose to the top of the leaderboards. Check out what these winners brought.

battle for valhalla

3rd Place: Aeldari- Carter Leach

Dark Eldar Wal Hor


battle for valhalla 1For 3rd place, this list brought some of the hottest units out of the Harlequins and Dark Eldar codex. Starting with a Dark Eldar Battalion, this brought the Yncarne, an Archon, and a bunch of minimum model-count Kabalite Warrior units. The Dark Eldar models were thrown into the cheap, blisteringly fast Venoms and sent up the board to grab objectives and tie-down over-aggressive units like Scouts and Infiltrators.

battle for valhalla 2Jumping into the Harlequins, Carter added some ranged anti-armor to the list with a Troupe bringing fusion pistols on each model. And of course, in true Harlequin fashion, all their cheap characters were brought for their niche helpful twist they can give the army. (We see this kind of playstyle with GSC a lot).

battle for valhalla 3Two Starweavers were also thrown into the list to keep pace with the rest of the Venoms that were zipping up the board. And finally, three blobs of Skyweavers all armed with Haywire cannons made it onto the table. These units made up most of the “punch” for the army absolutely devastating anything with the Vehicle keyword.

This list was pretty neat as nearly everything in the list had a transport. Plus, whenever something died, the Yncarne would pop up and be another immediate threat. Great job bringing a unique list!

2nd Place: Iron Hands- Bryan Dorsey

iron hands space marine wal feirros


battle for valhalla 4Iron Hands hit the table doing what they normally do. Spamming Stalker bolt rifles/ to tank wounds, and a dakka Leviathan/T-fire cannon.  This is the basic framework of the top Space Marine list. The only real difference here is that a Captain with a power fist was turned into a Chapter Master for rerolls and held the Ironstone as his relic.

battle for valhalla 5For the second half of the list, a blob of Centurions with flamers hit the table and were walked up the board by an Apothecary. And lastly, a Mortis Contemptor with two twin lascannons was turned into a character via Stratagem so it couldn’t be targetted. Meanwhile, it popped tanks all game alongside a second Leviathan. Overall, pretty brutal, but no chappy dreads so props there.

1st Place: Imperial Knights- Raymond Fain

imperial knight hor wall


battle for valhalla 6For this list, the tried-and-true Knight Crusaders stomped onto the table in full force. These were armed with thermal cannons to pop enemy armor and avenger gatling cannons to shred Primaris (because it turns out there’s a lot of them running around in the meta right now). One Warden also came to the table bringing another gatling cannon while also acting as the response to something like an enemy Knight trying to charge his friends for melee.

Because Knights are CP hungry, the leftover points went into a cheap Battalion of Admech and were mainly used to camp objectives while the Knights carried the game! Great job.

After looking at these lists, does your current tournament list counter one of these? Was the Iron Hands list configuration pretty different from most other Iron Hands players you’ve seen?

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