These Are The 40k Models That You Love to Hate

skitarii dunetoaster

Seems when GW comes out with new models, hobbyists opinions tend to be split on the design. Here are the latest models that we love to hate!

Taking a look at some of GW’s past releases as well as brand new models, we’ll be checking out some of the highlights of memes in the community. Enjoy!

The Skitarii Dunerider-Toaster Transport

skitarii dunerider



skitarii dunetoaster

As a running joke with anything Ad Mech, the Tech-Priests have an undying fascination with toasters. Of course, when an open-topped hollowed-out grimdark Higgins boat hit the scene, y’all turned it into a giant toaster transport.

Invictor Tactical Warsuit

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The new Invictor Tactical Warsuit was revealed to be a hollowed-out Dreadnought chassis with a dude protected only by a roll-cage. Of course, in the grimdark real-life, he would last about .27 seconds. So what’s the best way to throw some cheap protection on in-game? by duct-taping a Storm Shield to the front of the pilot, of course.

The Dakkapulsor

Primaris Repulsor

The Repulsor came out and we discovered that it has about 343 small Stubber-strength profiles on its datasheet. While you’re getting a lot of shots…

repulsor meme

You’re not getting THAT many shots…even though it does feel like that sometimes. sidenote, someone spent a lot of time on this meme. Good job.

The Ageless Classic…

dreadknight meme

Some say Dreadknights looks sick and others say it’s just an oversize baby-carriage. Regardless, it’s still standing tall as a meme today!

Of course, these are some of the more recent models that GW has come out with. But what are some of the older miniatures that are fun to tease? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!