This Admech Knight List Took The 40k ATCs By Surprise

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The Admech have been one of those sidekick factions to Knights for a while now. But this list from the ATC brought something a little special.

The 2019 ATC brought players from across the Country to roll dice. With so many players and local metas coming together, we were bound to see some interesting lists. Looking at this Admech force, these guys brought an interesting twist to the game.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the tournament’s armies well after the event ended.

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Another Unique ATC List: AdMech’s Compliment to Knights

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atc skitarii knight 1

atc skitarii knight 2

Coming from Warzone Atlanta’s Stephen Cosgrove, this list opted out of a Castellan and instead brought three Crusaders. Eating up most of the points out of the list, the three Knights were kitted with Thermal Cannons, Avenger Gatling Cannons, and Missile Pods.

Knights aren’t too terrible to deal with if they don’t have stratagem support so to fix this, Stephen brought along a unique Admech Battalion.

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But instead of the dirt-cheap barebones Admech detachments we’re used to seeing in Knight lists, Sydonian Dragoons were also thrown in. Nearing the cost of another Crusader, six Dragoons with taser lances ran interference for the Knights. The knightly workhorse of the list was loaded to the teeth with guns and needed some kind of unit to let them operate freely. The Dragoons are great for running down the field and chasing down problems with taser sticks.

Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.

These guys aren’t used too often but they can actually bring down a Knight by themselves fairly easy. All thanks to their S8 lances that explode on hits of a 6.

Overall, Admech and Skitarii have been one of those “overlooked” factions that are normally only brought for CP generation. However, this goes to show that they’ve got more than one use for their army’s unit options.

What do you think about this list? Do you like the idea of a tanky unit running down the midfield for disruption? How do you use your Dragoons?

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