This Dice App Was Made For Us: Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit

ork hor walStop dreading rolling a ton of dice. This dice app was made for Tabletop Wargamers! Be sure to check out the Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit!

Dice apps are great but there aren’t too many that are tailormade to what wargames demand. Until now.

Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit is a new app on the block and is designed with wargamers in mind. From CP and wound tracking to filtering hits and wounds out of dice pools, it really has all the gadgets you’ll need to keep tabs on everything happening in the tabletop.

A New Dice App in Town: Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit

The Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit turbo charges your tabletop wargaming experience. Built for players of Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine, Flames of War and any other wargame that involves rolling a ton of six-sided dice, your games will be faster and smoother with maximum time available to focus on your strategy.

The key feature in any dice app is being able to select however many dice you need, roll them, and filter things down quickly. A lot of apps out there show a graphic of dice actually rolling and it’s just not necessary for an app designed for tabletop games. Keeping a full screen when you open the app, you’ll have a place to keep you and your opponent’s victory points as well as Command Points.

When it comes down to selecting and filtering your dice, you just swipe up and down on a few scrolling tabs.

wargame dice app 1For the example above, let’s say you have 17 models that get 4 attacks each with 5’s to wound. Once you roll it, it shows that you made 26 hits and missed 42 times. 

The App Also Has a Built-in Wound Tracker

wraithknight v imperial knightThe app also has a built-in wound tracker. Now it might get a little redundant to upload the wounds of your 15 Leman Russes…But if you’re running a smaller force maybe consisting of Knights or Flyers, you can log their wounds on the app pretty easy. We’ve all been in games where you deal some wounds to a model, your opponent moves the model and forgets to take his wounds, and then picks the die up thinking it was just a stray D6 on the table.

This app should eliminate all that and keep both players honest.

wargame dice app 2As we said, you might not have the patience to add every single multi-wound unit out of your force. But the big ones should help streamline things. The app also offers some customization for your own personal style, preference, and game.

wargame dice app 3You could technically track ITC games through the app by just adding more tabs under your name. You could just label them as your secondaries and click them as you score!

wargame dice app 4The app costs $4 on the app store right now. But depending on how many games you play and the vast variety of games, it could easily be worth it!

Get The Wargamer’s Dice Toolkit

What are your thoughts on the dice app? Have you tried it? Do you prefer rolling physical dice to plugging things in on an app? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!