This Ultramarine “Sleeper” List Took BAO By Surprise

rumor engine primaris

Ultramarines are at the top of the charts right now, but one list has been doing well all year. Check out what was spotted at BAO!

The Bay Area Open brought in one-hundred fifty registered players to throw dice down on the tabletops. To say the competition was fierce is an understatement. While this Ultramarines list didn’t place in the top 3, it still only lost one of its games. Check out what the Smurfs brought out to play.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event details as if we were there first-hand.


Ultramarines- Allen Marshall


We’re calling this list the “Sleeper List” because it flew under the meta’s radar by using some units that most of us thought weren’t competitive. Check it out and tell us if you’ve been running something similar in your games.

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ulramarine bao 2

Only two detachments were filled in the 2,000 pt list. (One being upgraded to the Victrix Guard for 1CP). The first being a Battalion of some cheap HQs and minimal-sized squads of Intercessors. Intercessors aren’t “bad” but they definitely weren’t the muscle behind the list.

Two Redemptors were taken to negate the relic rule for those Forge World Contemptors with las cannons. In the grand scheme of things, eight las cannon shots on a T7 190 pt chassis isn’t too bad. Especially when you throw in a 5++ invuln and 6+++ FNP save. The Redemptors were loaded with dakka to clear away anyone trying to crowd an objective while the Las-temptors went after the heavy armor.

A double storm cannon Leviathan with hunter-killer missiles was also taken for some heavy-hitting 2-damage flat firepower. This is a fantastic middle-of-the-road unit that’s proven itself worthy of 40k’s constantly-changing meta. It can plink wounds off a Knight or outright murder things like Terminators and Grotesques. A small Thunderfire cannon was just some added dakka that negated the Leviathan’s stupid relic rule as well.

Robbie G: Primarch of Force Multiplication

Roboute Guilliman Avenging Son

Finally, to tie up any loose ends and make the most of all the shots, Robbie G came out to play. With his insane aura buff of re-rolling all failed hits and wounds, all of this list’s firepower value was maxed-out.

As a side note: Ultramarines don’t need screens quite as heavily as any other Chapter because they can still fall back and shoot. As long as the list has enough spine to tank some close combat attacks, they can fall back and blast the enemy apart right after. All in all, great list! You’ve given hope a lot of Space Marine players out there!

Let us know what you think about this list in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.