Primaris & Death Guard: New Releases & Pricing

gw mall store horThis weeks pre-orders have been spotted and we’re seeing two new box sets, the new easy to build models from Dark Imperium, and paint bundles!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Currently prices are only available in the Pound Sterling, let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend.

Getting Started with Warhammer 40.000 magazine £ 5.00

40K Getting Started


Warhammer 40.000 Know No Fear £ 50.00

40k Know No Fear
Warhammer 40.000 First Strike £ 25.00

40k First Strike
Easy to Build: Primaris Intercessors £ 10.00

Ultramarines Intercessor 8th
Easy to Build: Primaris Reivers £ 10.00

40k Primaris Reivers
Easy to Build: Plague Marines £ 10.00

40k Easy Plague
Easy to Build: Poxwalkers £ 10.00

40k Easy Pox

Warhammer Essentials Paint Set £ 20.00

Intercessor + Paint Set £ 20.00

Ultramarine Paint Set £ 10.00

Death Guard Paint Set £ 10.00

We have a lot of new easy to build models on the way this weekend, and according to GW’s announcement “they’re made of coloured plastic and you won’t even need glue”. The two new box sets will make getting started in 40k a lot easier and more affordable than having to buy the Dark Imperium box. While you’re at it you can pick up the paint bundles to take out some guess work on what colors to use for the new models. Be sure to check back with us later this week for the First Look where we’ll have the pictures of all the items that will be available.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you shocked to see them breaking down the starter and selling the units individually already? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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