Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists From the Blood & Glory GT

archon dark eldar wal horWhat do you think of these armies? There was fierce competition at the Blood & Glory GT, and these players still brought off-meta lists!

The Blood & Glory 40k Championship had nearly one-hundred unique players race for first place. Coming alongside a plethora of GW previews, here are some of the more unique lists spotted from the event.

blood and glory

Note that it used ITC scoring along with any codexes and FAQs released on or before October 26, 2019. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. With all this said, take a look at what these innovative players brought.

Tyranids & GSC Soup- Chris Dickinson

tyranids wal hor


blood and glory unique GSC

Looking at this list, it harkens back to earlier Tyranid lists with a Swarmlord and Genestealer bomb. However, it also had supporting bodies of Hive Guard hanging back giving high-strength firepower. The Brood Lord and Swarmlord juiced up the Genestealers to become four-armed blenders, and the Hormagaunts were a cheap, stubborn objective grabber and speed bump.

Meanwhile, a Battalion of GSC hit the field with a few cheap Acolyte squads so they could appear on objectives where needed. Aberrants were the main damage output for this list along with a single Patriarch running around with his own set of rending claws. And surprisingly enough, a Sniper Sanctus also hit the table. Out of all the GSC characters to pick from, this guy is hardly ever seen.

Dark Eldar- Mark Crombleholme

Dark Eldar Wal Hor


blood and glory unique Dark Eldar

This list brought two hard-hitting bombs for the opponent to deal with. Mark took the off-meta version of the Talos, the Cronos in three squads of three. The damage output is a little low on these guys until you start rolling 6’s to wound. Then these guys can spill out D3 damage. All in all, however, it’s not a horrible price for mini Dreadnought-statted Flying horrors.

Going into the second bomb, a Battalion was taken for a decent CP battery with two huge squads of ten Grotesques. They each also had a Haemonculus to babysit them all game. With the auto-hitting shooting from the Cronos’, he had enough firepower to blast Airborne units out of the sky and RIP to anything that was on the business end of the Grotesques.

Orks- Fortnum

speed freeks orks GW's Fall Release Roadmap? Grots, Orks, Rogue Trader & Primarchs


blood and glory unique ork

There’s a lot going on here. But essentially, it’s just one big Brigade of Deff Skullz with the CP paid for the Dread Waaagh! Vigilus Detachment. (Really this is just so the Big Mek can get the mortal-wounding Shokka Gun).

Going into the list itself, Troops were skimped on with only one 30-man Ork blob being taken. The rest were near-minimum Boy squads and Grots. Kommandos were actually brought as cheap precision units with anti-tank bombs to deepstrike and cause disruption. three Shokkjump Dragsta were also brought bringing in six S8 -3 AP D6 damage shots to the table that could essentially teleport when they advanced. This just looks like an incredibly fun harasser unit.

Two Dreads were also brought and hoped not to be the target of any real firepower so they had time to make it into melee. (They’re slow but they can krump in combat). And three Trukks with Wreckin Balls were brought to race ahead and close the gap. These just acted as cheap damage platforms that were bent on getting into melee as quickly as possible. The damage output isn’t awful for these guys either with six attacks at S8 on each full-strength Trukk!

For supporting fire, a mini gunline of Smasha Gunz and Bubblechukkaz were taken. While it wasn’t game-swaying, it was nice to have some covering fire while the Orks fragile melee-beaters tried to make it into combat.

All in all, these are some more awesome lists that definitely do not disappoint! Great job going against the grain of the meta! What are your thoughts on these army compositions?

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