Time To Give This Raven Guard 40k Combo A Try!

By Rob Baer | November 4th, 2019 | Categories: Games Workshop, Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

raven guard wal hor titleNot only are Raven Guard expert marksmen, but they can run down most enemies now in their own deployment zone even. Check out this spicy assault combo!

Space Marines are definitely better than before. And while we aren’t going into each faction or every single combo (which we are sure is good), here is a great combo for the Raven Guard that you should experiment with in your next game.

We’re going to list all of the key components and then breakdown why it’s all good. Sit back, buckle up, and praise the Emperor.

Raven Guard- Infiltrating Centurion Stealth Squads

raven guard ct 2019


raven guard surgical strikes

Raven Guard has a bunch of rules that can really make them annoying in-game. Having half of your army at a flat -1 to hit is pretty brutal, especially when going against lists like Guard or Tau. However, the Chapter tactic and Doctrine don’t apply a whole lot for this next combo.

  • Take units of Assault Centurions (which are cheap and wreck in melee). 
  • Bring a Chaplain (preferably with Jump Pack) as the Warlord with the Master of Ambush Warlord Trait.
  • Chaplain Needs to take the Canticle of Hate that gives +2″ to charge and +3″ for consolidating.
  • Pop 1 CP on the Raven’s Blade Stratagem for a re-roll charge bonus.

In the end, before the game starts, you can pick up a unit of Centurions along with your Warlord and bring them 9″ away from the enemy. This is before the game so your Chaplain still gets to make his Litany go off giving +2″ to charge. You can move 4″ with the Centurion’s base move (Effectively making it an auto charge). However, if you need some extra push, you can pop The Raven’s Blade and have these guys re-roll both dice for the charge.

You can mix it up and bring multiple units of Centurions putting them in Deepstrike with the Infiltrators Stratagem that lets a unit come down 9″ away to keep your opponents guessing where the Centurions will show up. Regardless of how you like to run this combo, it’s definitely aggressive and will force your opponent to react to what’s already in their frontlines vs. your gunline of Eliminators.

Check out the full breakdown from Kenny, Rob, and Wyatt in their own review of Space Marine combos.

With these three combos covered, what do you think is the strongest? Do you already have the units needed to run these? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!