Tips & Tricks to Make Plasma & Power Weapons GLOW!


Put the finishing touches on the Lord of Death’s weapons to take Mephiston from tabletop zero to hobby hero in no time!

Kenny’s changing up his tutorial format and showing you in his first series video how to get the a good table top standard that’s easy-peasey. Then in his follow up videos he shows you how to take it to the next level past table-top quality and beyond!



This week he’s back at it again finishing the last few details on the Mephiston from last week. Detailing out the sword and the plasma pistol is the last steps to taking this model to the next level!



Get that sick fade for your power weapons with the airbrush

mephiston power sword

Boom,  the final product!

Kenny from Next Level Painting has your back when it comes to airbrushing. Plus he can get those tight conversions like a Chaos Knight Titan done for you too!

Checkout the latest installment his airbrushing tutorials below!


Episode 20 – Are Tournament Players Ruining The Hobby?