Titanicus Terrain & Legio Bits From Pop Goes The Monkey!

titanicus terrain pop goes monkeyCome and see some great ways to customize your next game of Titanicus as we take a look at these great bits from Pop Goes The Monkey!

Pop Goes The Monkey is a great store where you can find one of a kind creations for your tabletop games including Adeptus Titanicus!

[Tiny Titans] Gated Eye: Warlord Insignia Sets$14.99

Pop Goes The Monkey


Pop Goes The Monkey


This pack is designed to fit with the Warlord Tiny Titan or rounded area of your favorite models. These are meant to easily personalize them by providing a raised emblem for painting and ensures a consistent and uniform appearance. As an added benefit, this product makes it possible to add your favorite insignia to models you’ve already painted. Simply prime, paint and glue to ensure a clean look.

3 Skull Shield: 10x Bent/ 10x Curved Insignias$12.99

Pop Goes The Monkey


Pop Goes The Monkey


This pack includes 10 bent and 10 curved insignia which is designed to personalize your project by providing a raised emblem that makes painting easy and ensures a consistent and uniform appearance. As an added benefit, this product makes it possible to add your favorite insignia*  to models you’ve already painted. Simply prime, paint and Super glue to ensure a clean look. 

[Tiny Titans] 10 piece City Walls$58.99

Pop Goes The Monkey


Pop Goes The Monkey


Pop Goes The Monkey

Terrain Pieces for a Tiny Titan game. These wall pieces can be super glued together or you can use 5 mm x 1 mm (3/16″ x 1/16″) round magnets in the provided sockets. Doing so, you can customize the configuration of your wall for each battle.

[Tiny Titans] Coms Relay Bastion$12.99

Pop Goes The Monkey


Pop Goes The Monkey



Pop Goes The Monkey

Terrain Pieces for a Tiny Titan game.

Versatile Plastic is a durable nylon plastic that can be used for a wide range of applications, both for prototyping and for end products. Printed using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), when thin, it’s flexible enough for hinges and springs and when thick, it’s strong enough for structural components.

These Tiny Titian accessories would add something special to your games of Titanic. Make sure you visit Pop Goes The Monkey and see all the great hobby accessories that they have to offer today.

3 Skull Shield: 10x Bent/ 10x Curved Insignias$12.99

[Tiny Titans] 10 piece City Walls$58.99

[Tiny Titans] Coms Relay Bastion$12.99