Toholk The Blinded: Necron 40k Model Hidden For 8 Years

necron walpaperToholk the Blinded is a Necron 40k character that has been around for the last 8 years, and now it looks like his model is emerging from the shadows.

We’ve only got one picture of this model. But it looks like GW might have taken a Forge World HQ and brought him to plastic! If you’re a fan of Necrons you’ll want to check this out.

Before we jump in, it’s important to note that while Toholk is technically a Forge World HQ, he’s never had a model. People have always kitbashed their own. With that said, we’re going off a bunch of different clues as to why this could be him.

Toholk The Blinded: Necron 40k Model Hidden For 8 Years

photato upgradedHere’s the picture we’re talking about. See him yet?

new necron destroyerHow about now? We’re talking about the dude next to the Destroyer by the way. We think that could be Toholk the Blinded.  If you look into his lore and wargear on his datasheet, it all fits the description as well.

The Fall of Orpheus

Toholk was originally featured as an HQ unit for the Maynarkh Dynasty in Forge World’s Imperial Armor 12: The Fall of Orpheus published in 2013.

fall of orpheus

He had a rules datasheet in there, and more recently one in the Imperial Armor Xenos Index from 2017 for 8th Edition 40k as well.

toholk the blinded rules 40k 9th edition fall of orpheus8th Edition 40k Rules For Toholk the Blinded

So, Toholk has a weapon called the Aeonstave, which isn’t anything special truthfully. But the model here clearly has a staff weapon that’s different from any other kind of Necron HQ.

On top of that, look at his body. Notice how there are just flowing robe strands? He’s all torso. That’s because of what happened to him in the lore. According to the 40k Fandom page:

 His masters, however, punished him for straying from the fulfilment of their desires and his “lack of foresight,” and shackled and subjected him to the most grievous tortures imaginable, leaving his android form blinded and broken, and hardwiring control parameters into his mind forcing him to obey and preventing him from properly repairing his own body in punishment.

This guy messed up pretty bad and his bosses came down and punished him for it. They also turned off his repairing parameters which would explain why he’s just a floating Necron torso.

Look at What’s Behind Him

necron flayed ones questionThese two models are behind him and new as well. It’s not clear what these are exactly. However, it’s worth noting that because of their weapons they could be new Flayed One models. This is also significant because Toholk and the Falyed Ones are from the same Maynarkh Dynasty.

That is even more probably as the Silent King sent the Maynarkh Dynasty to destroy the Flayer C’tan God back in the day and they were the first ones afflicted with the flayer virus.

With all of these things on the table, it’s safe to say that this model is the best contestant to be the Toholk model. Whether or not those models behind him are Flayed Ones, it’s also feasible to believe that the Dynasty that’s dealt with the Flayer virus for so long could have some mutations, making those “things”.

Or so the story may go… Either way, one thing is for sure, very rarely does GW make rules for a character and NOT make a model for it, (or retire it to Legends) eventually…

Do you think this model could be Toholk the Blinded? If this is Toholk, could we also see Kutlakh the World Killer? Are those models in the back Flayed Ones or something else?

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