Tons of New Tank Weapons From Puppets War!

tank weapons puppets war r (1)Come and see what’s new from the creative minds at Puppets War as we take a look at a ton of additions to their tank weapons!

Puppets War has been hard at work cranking out some great-looking bits for your sci-fi tabletop wargames. If you have been looking for a quick and effective way to upgrade your army, whether they are Marines or not, they are a great place to look! All of their bits look great, fit well, and will make your army stand out on the tabletop!

This week they are focusing on all you tank lovers out there. They already had some great weapons, but with all these additions, it just makes it that much easier. They have everything from flamers to cannons, so if you need weapons, take a look! Let’s see if any of these new bits are right for your next hobby project.

Flame Cannon: € 3.00

flame CannonThese look really sweet and are super easy to add to your minis. One of the best parts is they can be added as sponsons or on top. If you love what  Puppetswar is up to, check out what else they have going on. Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

Vehicle accessories designed as top, sides, or bottom mounted weapons for 32mm tabletop wargames scale models. Cannons have a slot for a 3x1mm magnet.

Plasma Cannon: € 3.00

plasma cannonOne of the coolest parts about most of their bits is they always add in places for magnets, meaning you don’t have to worry about the meta. Just grab a bunch of weapons, magnetize them, and bam you can play with whatever you want!

Double Laser Cannon: € 3.00

double laser cannonThese are just some of the new weapons they’ve added to the line, so if you need some more autocannons, don’t worry, that also have you covered there!

That does it for this one, just some great bits to add to your collection!

Get Your Tank Weapons Bits Here!