Top 10 Conversion Corners of The Year According to You!

2020-best-conversion-cornersThese are the top 10 Conversion Corners of the year according to Spikey Bits readers! If you’re minis made it in here, people really loved what you created!

People put a lot of work into their favorite minis, and we love when hard work pays off. This year there was more time to hobby than usual and these great hobbyists knocked it out of the park. Hopefully, these inspire you to get back on the hobby grind and get your army all converted up.

Let’s see what the most viewed were!

10) Returning From The Hunt: Conversion Corner

space marine primaris wal hor site shadowspearThe Space Marines are always prepared for whatever you may throw at them and some are more prepared than others!

9) A Primal Enemy: Tau Conversion Corner

mecha warriorThe Tau Love their suits so much that they personalize them just like a Space Marine would on one of their titans!

8) You Have 30 Seconds to Comply: Tau Conversion Corner

Tau ConversionSometimes the Tau gets a little crazy with their mech suits and shows up in something that you’ve never seen before!

7) Fighting For A Just Cause: Tau Conversion Corner

farsight tauThe Tau Empire has been trying to expand for a while, but without faster than light travel that proved hard. Now that they possess it, they are expanding at a rapid rate!

6) A New Breed of Marines: Gundam Primaris Conversion Corner

Space MarinesThe Space Marines have so many chapters that some of them seem weird even to those among the Astartes themselves! Especially Gundam Primaris!

5) Always on the Hunt: Space Marine Conversion Corner

space marine wal silver templarsThe Space Marines have designed many different types of armor and weapons to fit every different type of combat!!

4) Ice Cold Justice: Grey Knights Conversion Corner

Grey Knights ConversionSome of the chapters of Space Marines were developed after the first founding to fix some of their newfound problems!

3) Cast From The Hardest Stone: Conversion Corner

petrified space marine armyHave you ever seen one of those statues where you swear that the eyes are following you, what if they WERE?

2) Bring Them Before Me: Space Wolf Conversion Corner

space wolf lord on thorneIf you are looking to find a brooding guy, look no further! This Space Wolf brings all the moods and feels with him to the table!

1) AT-AT Squiggoth: Orks Conversion Corner

Ork ConversionWhat would happen if Star Wars and 40k collided? Or, better yet, what if they always existed in the same universe all along, like this AT-AT for Orks?

Looks like you guys really like Tau and Marine conversions! At least an Ork machine made the number 1 spot!

Which conversion corner is your favorite? Did your minis make the list?

Are you interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics! Maybe you’ll be on this list next year showing off your fame to your gaming group (but seriously, we love to see your entries!).