Top 10 Space Marine Codex Tips You Should Know

By Tim Roberts | August 19th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Top 10 Space Marine Codex Tips To Make the Army Work

Get the scoop on the 10 things you should know about the new Warhammer 40k Space Marine Codex to make it work going forward for your army!

Space Marines are back in a big way with GW releases not just one but three new Codexes for Warhammer 40k. We are going to dive into these new books and show you some key points that you need to know about the new Space Marine Codex for 2019.

#1 Drop Pods


That’s right folks! Turn one Drop Pods are back making Space Marines more than relevant. The new Drop Pod Assault Rule allows you to forgo the Tactical Reserves rule that doesn’t allow you to bring in your reserves until turn two. This will add new life to older units and create new tactical opportunities for your Space Marine army. If that wasn’t enough to put Pod back on the map you can now also measure from the doors giving you a little extra reach for things like deployment and shooting.

#2 A Little More Reach

Screenshot_996Just in case turn one deployment wasn’t enough to put Pod back on your tabletop you can now also measure from the doors giving you a little extra reach for things like deployment and shooting. This along with Drop Pod Assult means that you are going to see a lot more Space Marine flowers popping up at local game stores and tournaments across the globe.

#3 Null Zone


As far as Psychic Powers go Null Zone got a big boost in the new Space Marine Codex. For a warp charge of 7 instead of canceling the Invuln Save of just models in range, you can now target whole units within 6 inches of the caster. That opens up an entirely new can of tactical play softening up some key targets. Also, they added that anyone taking a Psychic Test within that bubble has their result halved.

#4 Relics Galore


You get a relic, and you, and you…  GW has changed toe game for Relics with the Relics of The Chapter Stratagem. Allowing you to spread as may Relics as you want before the game for 1CP each. This means you can make your army a little stronger for less CP than before by spreading the Relic love to your Marines.

#5 Combat Doctrines

Combat Doctrines

The new Combat Doctrines are negated if any other units in your army that are not eligible and receive the Doctrines. That means if you are running Space Marines and decide to add some Ad Mech units to your army, you will not be able to use your Doctrines.

This new Codex has a ton of new changes that are set to put Space Marines back on the map! For the second half of our top 10 things to know about the new Space Marines Make sure you check out our video below!

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our Top 10 Space Marine video below!