Top 40k Army Lists: Wizards GT Tournament

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Don’t miss more of what rose to the top of the leaderboards at the Wizards GT as we look at the top 40k Army lists.

The Wizards GT is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their army.

Top 2 40k Army Lists: Wizards GT Tournament

best coast pairings

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

2nd Place: Dan Sammons- Orks

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal hor


wizard orks 1Starting off with a solid Ork list Dan chose Deathskulls lead by two Warboss on Trikes. These are great as they provide the benefits like rerolls, great combat stats, and even mobility of a bike all in one package. Troops are a total of 30 Gretchin, which are super cheap bodies that can be used to screen with little worry. 10 Kommandos provide a decent source of good bodies that can do more damage than Gretchin and still provide some bodies to protect better units.

wizard orks 2A total of four Scrapjets means this list has plenty of aerial superiority. It also has a great source of mortal wounds when the time comes to crash land these into enemy lines. THree Dragstas provide more mobility on the ground with great guns to boot.

Heavy Supports bring in 8 Mek Smasha Guns, which have a great anti-vehicle profile to help take down enemy armor. Flyers bring two more planes in the form of Burna-Bommer to help cull enemy chaff.

Finally, two Trukks help protect the few normal bodies you have while the vehicles wreck havoc the first couple of turns.

1st Place: Aaron Cook- Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


wizard custode 1

Aaron went with the Shadowkeepers Shieldhost, which based on the past top-placings, seems to be the most competitive choice for Custodes.  Ya gotta protect your host!

They also went for a single detachment, lead by a Shield captain on foot, plus one on a Dawneagle Jetbike. Both extremely durable, but they also give you rerolls of 1 to nearby troops- not just core (for now). The Jetbike gets access to some high damage rounds and a huge boost to mobility.

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He also splashed in a Culexus for some extra anti-psyker support, along with some Prosecutors to help make up for one of the faction’s weaknesses,..

wizard custode 2

Troops bring three squads of thee Sagittarum Custodians that have decent melee but better shooting, giving a flexible unit, that can do either or depending on your current situation.

wizard custode 3Elites bring in an Allarus Terminators squad running anti-armor shooting and a melee option. Shoot at transports, then run up and attack the survivors.

For Fast Attacks, there is a single squad of 5 Venatari Custodians, which have jump packs, giving the list some extra mobility for capping objectives and taking out easy, lone targets. They also have the option of setting up in reserves too which is nice flexibility for their points. There are also two Grav-Attack tanks that have great weapons considering their low point investment.

Finishing out the list is a Telemon Heavy Dreadnought with an Illiatus for long-range anti-armor support- while being able to move around and protect themselves with their Caestus.

Congrats to Aaron!

What do you think about these 40k army lists from the Wizards GT Tournament? Are Custodes shaping up to be a top army in 9th? How about other factions?

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