Top 20 8th Edition Teasers From GW’s Live Q&A!

marine 40k 8th edition space wal horWarhammer TV had a live Q&A session on Facebook. Come find out more of what Games Workshop had to say about the upcoming 8th Edition.There was definitely not a shortage of questions for Games Workshop during this live Q&A with Pete Foley & Andy Smilie. Let’s take a look at some more of the key points from the stream:

  • Existing Space Marines can be adapted into Primaris Space Marines with the current technology. (Could this mean traditional Space Marines are going to be non existent in the future?)
  • Indomitus Crusade is all about Guilliman is traveling around and giving the different chapters the new Primaris Marines while trying to push back on the forces of Chaos.
  • It took about 18 months to get the rules of 8th edition to where it is today.
  • They are going to be listening to the feedback of the community after the release to continue to update the rules and make Warhammer 40,000 better any way they can.
  • If there is an army that presents itself as overpowered they have things in place to make quick adjustments to the rules, and correct any issues that may arise.
  • The first batch of Primaris Marines were made by Belisarius Cawl, and the technology is now being given out to all the chapter masters so they can manufacturer their own.New 40K Primaris Art

Rules wise they gave us lots more teasers:

  • Units are a lot quicker now, so their ability to get from one side to the other are going to be tough on shooting units. Melee and Shooting units are both going to have their strengths, and pretty well balanced.
  • You can select your Psychic Powers or if you feel like it you can roll a dice and match it to the chart, much like Age of Sigmar.
  • Perils of the Warp is still a threat, and you will still suffer damage in the form of mortal wounds.
  • There is going to be armor specific Stratagems, all which will be covered in the Battleforged section of the rules.
  • All current armies will fit into the new Battleforged section.
  • Battleforged armies have to share one keyword, and depending on the keyword they will all share the same Stratagems.
  • Transports will be able to carry a set number of units depending on it’s stats.
  • Almost all command squads have special abilities which will allow them to get in the way of wounds going towards the nearby units.
  • The units coming out of drop pods still have to be 9″ away from enemy units.
  • Grav guns have been rebalanced along with everything else, and should not prove to be an overpowered weapon anymore, every weapon will have it’s place and strengths in the new edition.

8th Edition The Shadow of Chaos

  • Instead of blast templates you’ll be getting a lot more shots and doing a lot more damage than traditionally.
  • You can switch over to your invulnerable save instead of your regular save at any time. This will come in handy when you have a rend on your save roll and your invulnerable save is a better option.
  • Wound allocation is decided by the defender.
  • Primaris Marines have been designed to be more resilient to the forces of Chaos, and it is not known if they will be able to be corrupted by the forces of Chaos.
  • Psychic powers will still have some of the old mixed in with the new, but they may function a little different than they did before 8th edition.
  • Games Workshop plans on taking feedback from the community through Facebook comments, Twitch, and they’re working on a live suggestion program that will allow you to submit ideas and communicate directly with the rules team.
  • Pete Foley thins his paints… (True story)


It’s obvious Games Workshop is really looking out for the hobby as a whole and trying to grow the game we all love. This Q&A shed some light on their thoughts behind making the changes they did to the game, and what we can expect to see in the future.

There was a lot of great information put out during this Q&A. Be sure to check back in with us for the latest update as they continue to post something new everyday leading up to the release.

But still no release date…. Saturday will mark the one whole month since the announcement and daily updates, will we see something then?

What are your thoughts on everything that was put out? Are they dragging this out way too long or are you still enjoying the daily updates? Let us know in the comments below.

marine 40k 8th edition space

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