Top 3 40k Army Lists Are Not All Marines: Da Boyz 40k GT

space marine wal hor tourneyMarines didn’t seem to dominate the top placings at majors this weekend. Check out the top 3 Warhammer 40k army lists from Da Boyz GT

Looking back at Da Boyz GT, only three lists managed to crawl their way to the top in the face of a fierce meta. Two of them were undefeated even! Take a look at what these players brought to fight back against the new Marine meta. Both Warzone Atlanta and Da Boys had new Space Marines in the top placings but neither had more than one in the Top 3 spots.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can take a step into past events and check out the details as if we were there ourselves.


da boyz gt

Missions will be combined ITC style with unique primaries
Secondaries will be modified maelstrom deck.

Terrain: Please note we have various terrain boards. Some have lots of Line of sight blocking. Some do not. Be prepared for a large variety.
No Magic Boxes used.  Buildings will have card stating building stats.

3rd Place: Orks- Anthony Birdsong


da boyz gt orks 1

Kicking things off with third place, a cheap Evil Sunz Battalion was brought for a nice CP battery and a solid foundation of bodies. Next, a Battalion of Bad Moons was brought with three squads of Gretchin linking arms around a 15-man blob of Lootas. These guys were charged with plinking wounds off of enemy armor while being a real pain to get to.

da boyz gt orks 2

And finally, a Battalion of Deathskullz was brought bringing even more Gretchin to act as speed bumps for the enemy. Meanwhile, the real powerhouse of the list came with three squads of Smasha Guns in a backfield gunline. With 17 separate models unleashing volleys of dakka from turn one, this list is probably the most oppressive/shooty list of Orks we’ve seen in a while. Great job coming in 3rd!

2nd Place: Thousand Sons- TJ Lanigan

Thousand Sons


da boyz gt thousand sons

This list is somewhat of a throwback to the old Daemon lists that used to dominate the meta a few months back. Bringing two squads for Plaguebearers for a near-unkillable platform of objective holders, these guys also provided a safe haven for units like Ahriman and Daemon Princes in a Supreme Command Detachment. Magnus also made a guest appearance, giving this list one of the strongest psychic phases that other players had to overcome.

So while these characters (other than Magnus) were hiding in the midst of Plaguebearers and Horrors, three Plagueburst Crawlers were also brought for some backfield supportive fire. At just 140 pts each and having plenty of range, these guys could camp objectives in their own deployment and still have relevant damage output all-game.

1st Place: Adeptus Astartes- Nicholas Rose

iron hands wal hor text


da boyz gt iron hands 1

Looking at an Iron Hands Successor list, Nick chose the Mc Pick Two Chapter Tactic option giving every unit a free reroll in each phase of combat as well as being counted as in cover when they’re 12″ away from the enemy. Just bringing a single Brigade Detachment, he also spent a CP making them Indomitus Crusaders first spotted out of Vigilus.

Starting off, Intercessors and Scouts swarmed the field acting as a T4 backbone for the army.

da boyz gt iron hands 2

To help out the Scouts that started the game infiltrating up mid-board, three Warsuits with autocannons were also taken with the option of starting ahead of everyone else. At just under 150 pts, these things are surprisingly effective. They might only be T6, but five attacks at 3-flat damage and D6 mortal wounds on an explosion is something that’s always awkward to work around.

Land Speeders filled the mandatory three Fast Attack slot and also served as great objective snaggers in risky situations. Finally, two Thunderfires and a lascannon Mortis Dread formed a small gunline for the rest of the list to operate off of. Plus, the Impulsor was given a 4++ invuln save so once it dropped its payload of dudes up the board, it could charge in and be a real pain to kill.

This is the first time we’ve seen an Impulsor used and it looks like using it to drop dudes off and then tie up enemy frontline units might be the way to go!

What do you think about these lists? What are your favorite two Chapter Tactics to pick from?

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