Top 3 40k Army Lists From Cleveland Chainsword GT

space marine walpaper bigDon’t miss the top 3 latest Warhammer 40k army lists that are proving to be nigh unbeatable at events this summer. Check out where the meta is going now!

The Cleveland Chainsword Champs GT was held over the weekend bringing about fifty players out to roll some dice. With all the players under one roof, these lists came in the top 3 placings. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the even as if we were there ourselves.

chainsword gt

3rd Place: Orks- Kevin Reitz

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Overall, this list is quite different from what we’ve been seeing in the meta for Orks lately. Lootas were switched out for Tankbustas and Ghazghkull Thraka even came out to play. The Big Mek with the Souped-up Shokka was still taken (which is seen in every Ork list) because it’s just too good to pass up.

Essentially, this list worked by keeping the Gretchin, Tankbustas, and Big Mek back from combat and had them focus the scary armor on the board. Meanwhile, wave after wave of Goff Boyz were flung up the board by Weirdboyz. They got extra attacks from their Goff trait and hit on a 2+ from the Waaagh! Banner. Great job for 3rd place!

2nd Place: Necrons- Geoffrey Beaman

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Necrons had a rocky start in 8th edition but are beginning to prove themselves once again in the meta for Mono-builds. This list came in 2nd place using a host of different units. To start off, a Battalion of Immortals was taken because Warrior blobs just die to morale and don’t have as much firepower per Immortal model. Six Destroyers were also taken in the same Battalion for the ridiculous 1CP Reroll all failed hit and wounds Strat. We saw some lists spam Destroyers in the early days of 8th, but this player only wanted a sprinkling of them.

Next, three Doomscythes were taken in an Airwing Detachment for some hard-hitting inescapable fire support. And finally, a Spearhead soaked up the rest of the points. Three Doomsday Arks and a huge squad of Tomb Blades cluttered the field for some higher-toughness statlines. Doomsday Arks are the Necron’s personal “go-to” when it comes to popping armor. The Tomb Blades are great for running interference and capping objectives. Nice job!

1st Place: Chaos Soup- TJ Lanigan

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Overall, this is the Chaos/Daemon list we’ve seen a thousand times over. It’s proven itself in the meta as an archetype that all kinds of people are playing these days. Essentially, the Plaguebearers are a hard unit to scoop up and protect characters like Ahriman and the Daemons Princes. Ahriman and those Daemon Princes cast all kinds of psychic shenanigans and hunt down the scary stuff like armor/elite units.

The Blightlord Terminators are there to add even more staying power to the list as a majority of the units only have a 5+. Two Foul Blightspawns were seeded into the ranks of the units to add even more reason to never get close. They can hose things down in an absolutely random, but dreadful multi-damage auto-hitting flamer. Awesome job coming in 1st and being undefeated TJ!

And there you have it, folks! Chaos still reigns supreme but Orks are hovering close to the top and Necrons have made a huge jump this week. What do you think of these lists from the event? What does your competitive list look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.