Top 3 40k Army Lists: Home For The Holidays 40k Tournament

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Don’t miss what rose to the top of the leaderboards at the Home For The Holidays Tournament as we look at 3 more top 40k Army lists.

The Home For The Holidays Tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their army.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: Home For The Holidays Tournament

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Joshua Weintraub- Harlequins

Harlequins Wal Hor


Hfth harlequins 1Joshua decided to go for a full battalion, and leading their forces they went with two shadowseers and a troupe master. Shadowseers help protect your troops by making the enemy reduce wounds rolls by one, while the troupe master allows you to reroll wound rolls in the fight phase.

Hfth harlequins 2

Three 5 man Troupe squads are pretty standard choices for Troops, especially when you realize Harlequins only have one troop choice.

Hfth harlequins 3Complete the Troop section with 3 more Troupe squads and you’ve got 30 bodies to man vehicles and grab objectives all while benefiting from the HQ auras.

Hfth harlequins 4In the Elite slot, there are a Solitaire and a Death Jester. The Jester is a great cheap option that can deal some damage to characters and lets you abuse units that flee, while the Solitaire is a great melee unit that can delete a lot of things without invulnerable saves thanks to tons of -2 ap attacks.

For Fast Attacks, there are three units of 2 Skyweavers. These are very efficient fliers that are hard to hit and relatively reliable to deal damage with a bs 3+, not to mention how very mobile they are, giving you great map presence and pressure.

Hfth harlequins 5Finishing out the list are 6 Starweavers to help transport the 6 squads of Troupes. These are open topped platforms, but even better are only 80 pts apiece. They essentially give the troupes 6 extra wounds and 22″ movement. It’s not hard to see why these are a staple of Harlequin lists.

2nd Place: Jamey Pirozzolo- Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


Hfth custodes 1Jamey went with the Shadowkeepers Shieldhost, which based on the past top-placings, seems to be the most competitive choice for Custodes.

They also went for a single Vanguard, lead by A Shield captain on foot, plus one on a Dawneagle Jetbike. Both extremely durable, but they also give you rerolls of 1 to nearby troops- not just core (for now). The Jetbike gets access to some high damage rounds and a huge boost to mobility.

Hfth custodes 2In Elites, almost half of the list in points is allocated. 10 Aquilon Custodians with upgraded wargear options make them great in melee and shooting, although being able to abuse both means you can play to your opponents’ weakness with little to no penalty to your own plan.

That new straight 2 damage Gauntlet is all the talk around Terra right now we hear.

Hfth custodes 3

There is also a Vexilus Praeto which gives nearby units -1 to hit in shooting, giving the list significantly more hardiness. Top off the list with two Coronus Grav-Carriers to transport the Aquilons and a character that lets you play very aggressively and protect your important heavy hitters until the window of opportunity opens and you get to strike.

Those transports are big boys!

1st Place: David Villareal-  Salamanders

salamander hor wal


Hfth salamanders 1For the Salamanders list, they went for a full Batallion, led by Bray’arth, a Captain on Bike, and a Primaris Chaplain on Bike. Bray’arth is a very durable beater that can go to town all by itself with little support and still get results. The Captain and Chaplain are just great support pieces and putting them on bikes means you can make sure the right units are in the aura each turn they need to be thanks to the increased movement.

Hfth salamanders 2Troops bring in a Squad of Incursors, Infilitrators, and a Tac Squad. Each of these is solid with Infiltrators moving up the board fast, and the other two providing bodies to take objectives.

There is a single Elite in the Primaris Apothecary to help keep your important units topped off to squeeze out an extra turn or two of value.

Hfth salamanders 3Fast attacks see a 5 man Inceptor squad with plasma exterminators, which are amazing anti-armor weapons. Three ATVs with Gattling Cannons give you some chaff clearing, while also having great mobility. Heavy Support sees 6 Eradicators, meaning this list has a huge amount of anti-armor and will make quick work of any list with lots of it. There are also two Drop pods, one for Bray’arth and the other most likely for the company Vets since they don’t have Jump Packs.

Salamanders Victory- Congrats to David on the win!

What do you think about these 40k army lists from the Home For The Holidays? Are Space Marines shaping up to be a top army in 9th? How about other factions?

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