Top 3 40k Army Lists: Northern Front Open GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horDon’t miss what rose to the top of the leaderboards at the Northern Front Open GT as we look at 3 more top 40k Army lists for 9th Edition.

The Northern Front Open 40k GT is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their army.

It does appear that they are NOT using the new Space Marines (or Necron) codexes. It’s understandable as many people still need to get used to the new rules, and some events vary on when new books are “legal”.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: Black Hole Wars GT

northern frontThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Darren Jac- Orks

northern front ork 1Starting off in 3rd place we got an Ork list. For HQs they took a Big Mek for that handy 5+ invulnerable within inches, Ghazghkull for his advancing, charging, morale, and melee hit roll buffs. The last HQ is a Weirdboy mainly for that signature Da Jump Psychic power.

For troops, they took 3 squads of 30 melee boys and 1 squad of 29. These each were upgraded to Skarboys for that sweet Strength 5 upgrade.

northern front ork 2For elites, they took three 5 man squads of Kommandos so they can split up if need be. They grabbed one more character in a Painboy, to help with healing, and a 6 up feel no pain. 10 Tankbustas were taken for some much need anti-armor.

Lastly, there are fast attack options. Here he took 2 min squads of Stormboyz, most likely just to work as a diversion, or to grab unguarded objectives.  Cool list, we haven’t seen much on the Orks side of things thus far in competitive 40k…

2nd Place: Ozzie Meloche- White Scars

northern front white scars 1In second place is a White Scars Battalion. For HQs they took the new Chaplain on a bike, a  normal Chaplain, upgraded with Hero of the Chapter and Master of Sanctity, and of course, Kor’sarro Khan to help re-roll 1s to hit and grant +1 to wound in melee to nearby units.

For Troops, there’s a standard two min-squads of Intercessors, plus one min-squad of Scouts to help grab objectives in the valuable first turn. Looks like this was the old Marine codex, and not the new one with Scouts as Elites.

northern front white scars 2Getting into some of the meat on the list, there are nearly 800 pts of Elites! Three squads of 3 Bladeguard Veterans are there to presumably march up the board with Kor’sarro Khan and to benefit from him melee combat buffs. Then there are 4 Centurions decked out with triple flamers and a hurricane bolter each to help with trash clear. Lastly for the huge elite section is a single Relic Contemptor Dread with missiles, chainfist, storm boltor, and a Twin lascannon.

northern front white scars 3For Fast Attack, there are 4 Land Speeder Tempest just to offer some mobility to the list and help move around to finish off straggling units.

For Heavy Support, they of course took 2 squads of 3 Eradicators to deal with any troublesome armor the opponents might have. These are all-stars from Space Marines, pretty much everyone is taking them.

1st Place: Gord Weppler- Adeptus Custodes

northern front custode 1In 1st place, there was an undefeated Custodes list. While most lists take a single battalion, this Custode list fits entirely into a single patrol!

They took 2 HQs, Trajann Valoris is here to help your other Custodes re-roll hits and wounds of 1 and grant a single free stratagem. The Shield Captain is upgraded to Captain-Commander to offer super solid upgrades. This player opted to go for Mastermind, which allows you to get CP back on a 5+ after you spend one, over the ability to have +2 wounds, and superior creation for the sweet, sweet 5+ FNP.

For Troops, they took 2 squads of three Custodian Guard Squads with standard load-outs.

northern front custode 2For Elites, they opted for 8 Allarus Custodians, since they are a little more mobile and have better weapon options than the standard Custodian guard. A Single Vexillus Praetor was also taken to grant Custodes within 6 inches -1 to hit in the shooting phase, super solid.

For Fast Attacks, there are two Pallas Grav-Attacks, these are pretty hard to deal with and have great weapons hitting on 2s. For the points, they are unmatched with their movement, jerks with -2 to change rolls, and 3+ 5+ invul.

Lastly, there is a single Flyer. They decided to take an Ares Gunship, which has a few notable abilities and weapons. One such ability is the firebombs it can drop twice a game, when it flies over a unit it can drop a bomb to roll a d6 for each model in the squad up to a max of 20, each 4+ is a mortal wound. This means, although very unlikely, it could do up to 40 mortal wounds by its self over two turns!

Oh, and its guns have the ability to one-shot a Knight equivalent if they go unsaved- OUCH.

Congrats to Gord on the win!

What do you think about these 40k army lists from the Northern Front Open? Do you play something similar? Are Space Marines going to stay at the top in 9th Edition? 

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

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Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.