Top 3 40k Army Lists That Crushed the Sword & Brush GT

space marine wal hor tourney

Space Marines are here! Don’t miss the top three Warhammer 40k army lists that crushed the Sword and Brush GT as the meta continues to evolve…

The Sword & Brush 2019 40k tournament was hosted in Ontario and brought just over thirty total players into one spot to roll dice. With that said, only three made it to the top! Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves!

sword and brush

3rd Place: Ultramarines- Kyle Kauppi



sword & brush ultramarine

Starting off with third place, this player rolled out the Ultramarines without Robbie G! Bringing a Spearhead with two storm cannon Leviathans and two Repulsor Executioners, most of the points were dumped into this detachment. Looking at the Repulsor Executioner, they have a great tank-busting weapon, the heavy laser destroyer. However, what makes them particularly awesome is they can fire twice in a turn. Mixed with the focused fire of the Executioners and scattered 40 autocannon shots from the Leviathans, most of this army’s killing capabilities were at-range.

For the rest of the points, Marneus Calgar led a Battalion of Intercessors and Infiltrators. Marneus and the Lieutenant were there to puppy guard the armor column and give rerolls while the other Troops sat on objectives and ran interference. Good job!

2nd Place: Tau- Devin Swann

tau huge wal horiz


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Starting off with this Tau list, would you believe there aren’t any Drones or Riptides? Instead, this player brought ALL of the Hammerheads. While a cheap Battalion of Tau was brought for the CP, Longstrike and his band of tanks were the all-stars of the list. Keeping as far back as possible from the enemy, this list formed a gun line of hover-tanks that barraged the enemy.

sword & brush tau 2While most of the list was sitting back and screening, a few Gunships were also taken for some one-shot missile racks. These Gunships shooting seeker missiles always hit on a 6+, but with the help of a few markerlights, these guys could fling krak-missile profile shots downrange with an almost guaranteed hit every time. Once a target was painted, they could unleash a missile each and rip it’s armor to bits.

On a side note, Dahyak Gekh, the Kroot out of Blackstone Fortress was also taken for his mortal wound trick and character-targeting capabilities. At only 20 points, he’s a cheap sniper that can do up to D6 mortal wounds. Worth.

1st Place: Imperial Soup- Jonathan Michener

knights hor wal imperial



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Starting off, 2CP were spent to free up the slot for any assassin to be brought with Operative Requisition Sanctioned. Beyond that, a Guard Battalion was brought for the CP and indirect firepower that they’re so good at.

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Three Basilisks and two Mortar teams hung back as the Knights in a Krast Detachment stood mid-field and blasted anything they had LOS to. Looking at what these Knights were loaded with, not one, not two, but THREE Crusaders were taken with gatling cannons and rapid-fire battle cannons.

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Seeing that these guys could fire all their weapons, charge in and stomp a mudhole in something, and repeat the process again next turn, they’ve got more damage output than a Castellan could ever hope to have!  Awesome list and great job coming in 1st place!

What do you think about these top lists? Do you play your Tau with Hammerheads or have you taken the Riptide spam route? What’s your favorite Knight variant? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!