Top 3 40k Army Lists That Dominated Capital City Clash GT

space marine wal hor tourney

The 40k meta continues to change with the release of new supplements. These are the top Warhammer army lists that dominated the 2019 Capital City Clash GT.

The Capital City Clash was a 40k tournament hosted over the weekend with Tau and Imperium coming in the top three placings. Check out what they brought and let us know if your list looks similar! Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

capital city

3rd Place: Imperial Soup- Alan Blakeborough

Imperial Guard Catachan Wal Hor


alan guard 1

This list takes up a lot of space, but let’s jump in starting off with a brigade of Guard.
alan guard 2

Essentially the Guard Brigade was loaded up with enough Guardsmen to fill the number of screens he’ll ever need. On top of that, mortars were taken to scoop up whatever screens the enemy had. Scout Sentinels were a cheap option to help flesh out a Brigade and were also serving as objective snaggers. Finally, some Vigilus firepower was taken alongside a Tank Commander and Wyvern.

alan guard 3

Moving on, a Battalion of Deathwatch Veterans loaded with storm shields were taken. Being the chunkiest Marines around, they were going to stick on the table for a while and dump their special-issue ammunition where it was needed.

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Finally, two Smash Captains and Lemartes were grouped-up in a Supreme Command detachment with some Death Company decked out with chain swords and power swords. Between the turn one mortar fire and Death Company Forlorn Furying up the board, this list was aggressive and had plenty of staying power thanks to the Deathwatch.

2nd Place: Imperial Soup- Tony Pierce

Adeptus Custodes Wal Hor


capital city custodes 1

Moving into a much more elite list, this player capitalized on the Caladius spam with Trajann leading the way. A Knight Crusader also stood back and acted as a firing platform and could stomp a mudhole in anyone that got too close.

capital city custodes 2

Finally, for the CP battery, a Battalion of Guard was brought with three Tank Commanders. Bringing out the big guns, these guys came with executioners and a battle cannon.

All in all, this list is straight forward. It has an insane amount of firing power with incredibly point-efficient units. On top of that, it made full use of every CP with Trajann regenerating up to D3 per game (or swinging twice for free).

1st Place: Tau- Brenton Weiss

Tau Wal Hor


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Looking at the first-place list, this player brought the classic Tau Riptide/Drone spam archetype. Starting off, he took a Battalion of Tau with Pathfinders for the markerlight support.

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Next, three Riptides with burst cannons were loaded into a Vanguard. Being led by a Commander with missile pods, he was able to hang back and help pop armor. To help keep the Riptides around into the long game, 27 Shield Drones were taken to soak up shots.

tau city 3


All in all, this list is extremely straightforward. They markerlight the living $&#@ out of something, blast it away with burst cannons, and deflect any return fire with Drones. Great job!

What are your personal takes on these lists? Do you have a list to counter some of these top armies from the Captial City GT?

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