Top 3 40k Homebrew Army Lists That Crushed It Last Week

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Want more some inspiration for your next Warhammer game? Check out these 40k homebrew army lists that crushed it out last week at tournaments.

We’re back again with even more 40k tournaments under our belt. Check out these lists that might not have made it to the top, but were definitely unique!

The meta is healthy with almost every faction out there having a certain “list” that always places around the top. That being said, there are some creative minds in the game coming up with new lists constantly. The best part is that they’re not doing too bad! Take a look at some of the ones that caught our eye.

Using Best Coast Pairings, we’re able to look back at the events as if we were at there ourselves.

Siegeworld GT: Thousand Sons- Gabriel Barron

Rubric Marines


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Thousand Sons are a top Chaos faction right now but how often do you see lists full of power armor do well? This list came in 8th overall (of 80+) so this army definitely had the staying power/bite it needed! Starting off, two Sorcerers in Terminator armor led a Battalion of Rubric Marines and two huge blobs of Tzaangors. The Tzaangors are a little on the squishy side since they’re from the Warp. However, they make some great screen-clearers.

As for the second detachment, Ahriman made an appearance in a Battalion full of Rubric Marines. He’s just too good to pass up.

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And finally, a third Battalion was brought with two Daemon Princes with Talons. Their job was to hunt down whatever “problem” units enemy lists had and finish them up close in melee. All the while the Sorcerers and Ahriman were hanging back behind the Rubrics casting spells. You might be surprised how tanky Rubrics with a 2+ Sv can be when you realize how much 1-damage weapons your list actually brings! Great job!

Warzone: Giga-Bites III: Harlequins- Alexis Putt

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HQ 1

Harlequins were spotted near the top of the leaderboards at the Warzone tourney over the weekend as well! Looking at the first detachment, Skyweavers were decked out with Haywire cannons and would swarm enemy armor. These things can rip a Knight or any other kind of armored unit apart with mortal wounds. And of course, those bikes were all being led by Yvraine herself. (even though she probably hung back and slung psychic powers).

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Shadowseers were taken for the some added psychic support and as for the rest of the force, they were loaded up into Starweavers with Fusion Pistols to melt through power armor and anything else that might have a decent save. As for the screen-killing aspect of the list, the Shuriken Cannons on the transport did a great job at 6 shots a pop at S6. Plus, Harlequins in combat can unleash a flurry of attacks! Great list! We don’t see Harlequins appear all too often.

Warzone: Giga-Bites III: Tyranids- Price Wilkes

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When you first see Tyranids, you might be thinking of some of the classic lists like Swarmlords/Hive Guards, etc. However, this army brought some of the most unexpected units and didn’t do half bad! Check out all of these Carnifexes rolling with the Cult. Starting off, a Swarmlord and Broodlord led some Ripper Swarms in a Battalion for some CP and Old One Eye made an appearance bringing eight total Carnifexes with Devourers and Scything Talons. These guys are the equivalent to the Imperium’s Dreadnoughts but have some pretty incredible firepower compared to the non-FW walkers.

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To finish things off, a cheaper Battalion of Cult was taken for some bodies to sit on objectives while still making full use out of the army’s best characters. That being the Kelermorph, Magus, and Patriarch, of course. All in all, this list had plenty of little bodies that were easy to ignore with huge Carnifexes barreling towards you. Meanwhile, the Swarmlord, Broodlord, Patriarch, and Old One Eye were great showstoppers for enemy armor once they made it into melee combat. Great list!

What do you think about these armies? Are you working on a homebrew list right now? Have you tested it in any local tournaments? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.