Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists October 24-25th

40k-homebrew-army-listsThree more off-meta army lists emerged in these 9th Edition 40k tournaments over the weekend- take a look at these homebrew lists!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists October 17-18th

best coast pairings

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Impromptu GT at Vans: Orks- Seth Oster

ork wal


vans ork 1Pretty standard Ork List here with Melee boys, a Weirdboy for psychic support, and a Warboss for a beatstick and re-rolls. All pretty common among Ork lists, the cool part comes further down the list.

vans ork 2Two Kommando Squads are just solid units, but this list comes with a TON of vehicles. Three Boosta Blastas and Shokkjump Dragstas mean getting around and annoying your opponents is second nature. Mobility will never be a problem with this list. Not to mention three Scrapjets flying above as well with the option to kamikaze them when they get low for extra mortals.

vans ork 3A Burna-bommer is neat and offers more aerial support, but the real exciting part for me is the quad-Trukks. I think these are pretty underrated, some players take them, but you don’t see us too much. These are always solid and should be in more lists than they are, maybe even every list.

Impromptu GT at Vans: Astra Militarum- Miller Time

Astra Militarum


vans guard 1The first detachment is pretty standard with triple Tank Commanders and three Lasgun Infantry Squads. The manticore is a nice touch, adding just a bit of extra anti-armor.

vans guard 2

For the second detachment, it gets a little more interesting. He decided to go for Scions, two Tempestors Primes, and four squads of Scions. Making for a slightly more elite guard list so far.

vans guard 3Last and not least, there are six entire Taurox Primes. These offer decent shooting but their value is probably more in the act that nearly his entire list can fit into the six transports. For 120pts each they are a little more expensive than say an Ork Trukk, but they also have more built-in utility like the top gun, so they are definitely worth the points.

Impromptu GT at Vans: White Scars- Adam Abramowicz

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White Scars


vans scars 1What’s a smash captain without his bike in a White Scars list? Nothing. As it turns out they are actually really good while remaining pretty fluffy. A Captain and Chaplain combo on bikes are forces to be reckoned with, especially with each being a hero of the chapter. Two Infiltrator squads and a base Assault Intercessor Squad offer ways to consistently hold the objectives while the rest of the list can worry about those kill points.

vans scars 2The other half of the list includes a Judiciar to hunt down characters, while the Apothecary helps keeps your elite units topped off. 10 Bladeguard Vets and 10 Vanguard Vets form over 1/4 of the list, making this force quite the aggressive CQC machine. Lastly, there are two outriders for some mobility with the smash captains and some Plasma Inceptors for those almighty anti-armor guns that can decimate Heavy units.

Overall each of these lists offers a different approach and goes all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they are getting decent results from the players.

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from October 24-25th that caught our eye?

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