Top 3 Homebrew 40k Lists From The Renegade Mini GT!

40k-homebrew-army-listsThree more off-meta army lists emerged in these 9th Edition 40k tournaments over the weekend- take a look at these homebrew lists!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists November 7th

renegade gtThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Renegade Mini GT: Chaos- Jeff Busch


new chaos wal hor marines obilterators abaddon


renegade chaos 1First up for the Daemon part of the list we see some pretty standard choices in the Lord of Change, Nurglings, and Horrors. Not so standard at the Bloodthirsters. Lately, they haven’t been too popular because of how easily they can be shot off the board, however, if you can get them in the mix, they can wreak havoc.

renegade chaos 2Moving onto the marines portion, they decided to go with world eaters for those tasty Berserkers as Troop choices. They also took a Lord Discordant who can pack a serious punch as well.

renegade chaos 3For the last section of the list, there is a 10 man squad of terminators with a chain axe and combi-bolters. These are tougher than normal marines and have a ton of loadout options. This kit is decent in both melee and shooting, but not amazing in either. When paired with Khorne though, look out!

The list is finished out with two rhinos to protect your Berserkers and help them get into melee, which is their sole purpose.

Renegade Mini GT: Aeldari- James Kelling

iyanden wraithguard eldar wal hor


renegade eldar 1This is a mixed Eldar force opting to take Yvraine and four groups of Troupes. The first three have the standard Fusion pistol plus blade loadout, while the fourth (below) has Shuriken Pistols and a blade instead.

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renegade eldar 2For Elites, we got a Death Jester, who can pack a surprising punch considering the point value. Then for Fast Attacks, there are 2 squads of Skyweavers to add some mobility. They can tie up key enemy units and cause them some headaches when they have to answer them, plus they got that anti-armor punch as well.

renegade eldar 3The last part of the first detachment is 3 Starweavers, which are always a safe option given their flexibility.

renegade eldar 4The list also had a second detachment. The important parts are the three hornets to help mop up troublesome units and 3 War Walkers for a tiny bit of anti-infranty support.

Renegade Mini GT: Black Templars- Ben Cherwien

black templars wal hor logo


renegade black templar 1The third list for today is a Black Templar list. Right out of the gates, you gotta take the High Marshal himself when you go Black Templars! Helbrecht is surprisingly good in melee anyway, so you get a good model along with the solid flavor win. Moving on, there are two 3 man squads of Blade Guard Vets who honestly fit right into the theme of Black Templars, while also being a menace in melee (which templars are known to enjoy).

There is also a Terminator squad with shields and hammers to be a force that’s really difficult to remove now, while in cover, and able to pack a punch in return.

renegade black templar 2The last elite is a squad of Vanguard Vets running a claw and shield, making for another resilient unit who can deal some damage in melee. For a tiny bit of mobility, there is a bike squad with meltas, plus some inceptors, just in case you need to move somewhere in a pinch. Lastly, there is a squad of 6 eradicators for ranged support and a whirlwind for the same reason.

While your list is charging it, it helps to have some ranged support to back it up, not counting the attack bikes, which may be a better choice than the ATVs in this list.

Overall each of these lists offers a little bit of a different approach by we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they are getting decent results from the players.

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from Halloween weekend that caught our eye?

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