Top 3 Imperial Guard Army Lists From 2020 LVO

Imperial-guard-wal-horAre the Imperial Guard army lists back with Psychic Awakening rules? We’ll take a look at how they did at the  2020’s Las Vegas Open.

2020’s LVO brought in nearly one-thousand different players to roll dice. Now, we’ll be looking specifically at some Imperial Guard lists that didn’t do too bad. Keep in mind that even if someone places in the top 300, they’re still doing better than over half of the players overall.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

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lvo 2020 tic competitiveLas Vegas Open 2020- Coverage

225th Place: Kris Calnon- Imperial Guard

guard hor wal imperial astra militarum


lvo calnon 1Jumping into this Guard list, the  Emperor’s Fist Vigilis formation was brought and Leman Russes were loaded into a Spearhead. Already, we’ve got 5 T8 gun platforms in the list!

LVO calnon 2For the rest of the points, everything was souped-up into one Brigade Detachment. Creed led six squads of Guardsmen and some heavy weapons teams while two Astropaths seeded themselves into the ranks to give a little bit of cheap psychic support. They’re 15 points so you can’t expect too much out of them. But they’re a cheap Elite slot and the potential for mortal wounds is there. Beyond that, a Hellhound and some Chimeras were driven forward (with Guardsmen in the Chimeras obviously) and put pressure on forward objectives. Meanwhile, those five Russes were laying covering fire with high-strength, spammable ordinance. Awesome work.

201th Place: Nicolas Garcia- Catachan Guard


Imperial Guard Catachan Wal Hor


lvo garcia 1Nicolas decided to roll into LVO with the buff bois! A Battalion was taken for the first detachment with Straken at the head. 1CP Was also spent for the Emperor’s Blade Assault Company from Vigilus. This opened the door for some cheap Stratagems that helped in Overwatch and deploying out of some Transports. To finish off the Detachment, three Chimeras were brought along (one or each Guardsmen unit).

lvo garcia 2Next, Tank Commanders were at the helm of another Battalion for that sweet CP battery. A Manticore was also brought along for four missiles that could uproot just about anything from the tabletop over the course of the game. On top of that, another CP was spent for the Emperor’s Fist Tank Company. This unlocked a 3-damage relic battle cannon for the Russes as well as some dope strats to play on his armor column.

lvo garcia 3Finally, another CP was spent to bring the Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company from Vigilus, giving Basilisks the ability to shoot twice as well as some other support. Mortar teams were also brought along to help clear any enemy screens all while sitting on the backline objectives. This list really made the most out of everything Vigilus had to offer.

202nd Place: Marc Torres- Imperial Guard

imperial guard wal


torres lvo 1Starting off, he Marc rolled out the chungo tank bringing a Shadowsword loaded down with lascannons and heavy bolters. As long as this thing doesn’t get touched, it can shred a Knight in seconds (which is probably why it was brought). Next, a Brigade was taken with plenty of Guardsmen to use as meat shields.

torres lvo 2A CP was spent to also turn the Detachment into an Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company, making his Basilisks and Wyvern extra badass like we covered from above.

torres lvo 3Finally, some Tallarn Russes were taken in a Supreme Command for some mobile fire support on a t8 platform if needed. These Commanders picked up the slack from the Shadowsword in the rare cases that it didn’t completely vaporize its target. Sweet list!

There you have it! Three exclusively-Guard lists from the LVO that did better than half of the players from the event.

After looking at all of these vastly different lists, which one was your favorite? Do you play something similar? What’s your favorite Guard Regiment to play?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.