Top 3 Imperial Knights 40k Army Lists Right Now

space marine wal hor tourneyKnights are those massive mechanical walkers we all love. But how did they do at the LVO? Check out these top 40k army lists for Imperial Knights!

2020’s LVO brought in nearly one-thousand different players to roll dice. Now, we’ll be looking specifically at some all-Imperial Knight lists. Keep in mind that even if someone places in the top 300-400, they’re still doing better than over half of the players overall.

Top 3 Imperial Knights 40k Army Lists Right Now

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lvo 2020 tic competitiveLas Vegas Open 2020- Coverage

392nd Place: Albert Gatton- Imperial Knights

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imperial knights gattonBringing pretty much the most elite a list can get in 40k, Albert strolled on four Knights to the table. Objective holding is a little iffy with only four Knights on the field, but killing power most definitely isn’t lacking. Only one detachment was brought, being a Super Heavy detachment with every Knight fighting under House Krast.

Krast lets you reroll all hits in the phase where you charge/were charged. That’s a nice added bonus for the wrecking ball Gallant to get when he barrels into the front line before getting gunned down (Usually, this is the first Knight to go in a list). Now two Crusaders kitted almost the same way with the Warlord also getting an ironstorm missile pod on his back.

These two Crusaders were the dakka of the list while also being able to pick up some missed dice whenever they stomped enemies that got too close (thanks Krast). Finally, the big boogeyman of 8th edition was also brought with a relic plasma cannon. The Castellan bravely hit the field without any screens. Since he’s pretty much hot garbage in melee, he probably hung back and had his foot on an objective while melting the face of anything that somehow survived the punishment from the other two Crusaders and Gallant. Overall, sweet list.

380th Place: Sean Lengenfelder- Imperial Knights

knight cover hor wal


sean lengenfelderThis list was way different from the first one we covered. Starting off, some Warglaives, a Castigator, a Crusader, and a Preceptor were thrown into a House Taranis Super Heavy detachment for a 6+++ FNP on their models. The Crusader is a staple in just about every list for its wide variety of loadout options.

However, the Castigator is one that pops up every now and then. The neat thing about the Castigator is that its bolt cannon works about like an Avenger Gatling Cannon. However, it’s Warblade only does three damage a swing but you get to double your amount of attacks. That means that it’s a great weapon for smaller things like Primaris while still not sacrificing any damage output if it were to smack a Tank around.  As for the Preceptor, he tagged along with the Warglaives to help them hit better.

For the last Knight of the list, a Crusader hit the field with another thermal cannon and AGC to help with killing any armor and two-wound troop. It’s also important to note that a handful of CP were spent to sprinkle in extra relics and Warlord Traits as well. From exploding Gatling Cannon shots to a boosted up thermal cannon, this list really packed a hidden punch.

352nd Place: Brodie Pascal- Imperial Knights

knight titan wal hor


brodie pascal knightsHouse Terryn rules were used on the first Super Heavy detachment in this list letting a Gallant and four total lightning lock Moiraxes roll an extra D6 on the charge/advance while discarding the lowest. With a bunch of Knight scooting around the table extra fast, some Krast (reroll hits in melee) Knights also packed a punch against things like Smash Captains that might’ve tried to topple them up close.

While the Terryn Moiraxes were able to squeeze out an extra few inches, they had more reach on holding objectives while the Crusader and Castellan could hold their own in close combat if they did end up getting charged by something like Wulfen/ Terminators. Overall, sweet list and way to go finishing highest on the leaderboards of only running Knights.

With all of these lists covered, which one is your favorite? How many different playstyles are there for only running Knights? 

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