Top 3 Reasons Why We Need a Loyalist 40k Primarch Now!

By Wesley Floyd | May 31st, 2019 | Categories: primarchs, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

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Looking at 40k, the Imperium isn’t in the best of spots right now. Here’s a few of the main reasons why we need another loyalist Primarch to hit the table!

If you’ve been even remotely keeping up with 40k’s meta, Mortarion and Magnus have been curb stomping games in a variety of different lists. Robbie G is doing the best he can to keep pace with his brothers. But we feel like it’s time for a little help on the Loyalist side.

1. Two is Better Than One

chaos knight dominus

Magnus and Mortarion have been linking arms for over a year now. Things were okay for a while, mainly because the Loyalists had the Castellan up their sleeve.

However, it’s been previewed that Chaos is just about to add a Chaos Castellan to their ranks as well. Really, the only thing the Imperium has going for them right now is a cheaper Primarch and a handful of Primaris. Yey. 


*Visible Pain*

While the Castellan was on the same playing field as a Primarch but with Chaos adding them to their ranks, we’ll be outnumbered once again back down to 2:1. We think Rogal would be a fantastic complement to Robbie G’s playstyle. However, we could totally make the case for Leman Russ coming back too. We need a good melee powerhouse…Or even Sanguin….oh..right.

2. Another Primarch Might Have Something To Say About Primaris

jaghatai khan

With Robbie G essentially acting as the Emperor’s hand right now, we’re at a perfect time for another Primarch to step in and say “Rowboat…What are you doing?” This could go one of two ways. Someone like Jaghatai may take the “Primaris ball” and run with it, making all sorts of new fast vehicles that’ll be useful. (If GW doesn’t want to listen to the community, maybe a Primarch will).

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Vulkan could even come back giving them each the love they deserve as well as some lessons on defending innocent humans.

On the flipside, Leman Russ might think they’re not right because “they don’t carry his blood” or “not wolfy wolf-wolf enough”…Essentially something to that degree and not accept them, causing a schism in the Chapter.

3. Another Primarch Could Make Another Chapter Popular

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Raven Guard, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, White Scars, etc. would become more popular if a Primarch decided to show up and bolster their ranks. (We would include Iron hands but you guys lost your Primarch because he didn’t know how to block). Either way, this would be a great avenue for GW to turn down. With the introduction of a Primarch to a Chapter without its own codex, GW could come out with all kinds of releases including a book and models.

And there you have it. The top three reasons why we would like a Loyalist Primarch to hit the scene! Let us know what Primarch you would like to see get a 40k model in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.