Top 3 Tips & Tricks for Assembling the Carnifex

By Rob Baer | September 13th, 2015 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Top 10, Tyranids, Warhammer 40k News


Check our Top 3 Tips and Tricks Tutorial on how to assemble your Tyranid Carnifex like a pro!

Assembling the Carnifex

This little bugger is a tough kit to assemble, but with a few tricks you can save yourself a few headaches along the way


Seal up the vents with plastic glue. This things will never line up right, but it you seal them up with some plastic glue you give yourself a fighting change to have only a few gaps left over to really worry about.


When the plastic glue dries, just seal up any left over gaps with some plastic putty from Vallejo. This stuff is way better than Liquid Green Stuff, I highly recommenced it!


Last but not least magnetize all four weapon sockets with 1/8 diameter x 1/16 deep magnets. Don’t forget to match the polarities on you magenets so you can make all your weapons fully interchangeable!

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