Top 3 Ultramarines 40k Army Lists Before 9th Edition

space marine wal hor tourneyUltramarines have been a competitive army from the start of 8th edition- so keeping the spotlight the blue bios, check out these top 40k army lists!

2020’s LVO brought in nearly one-thousand different players to roll dice. Now, we’ll be looking specifically at some Ultramarine lists. Keep in mind that even if someone places in the top 300-400, they’re still doing better than over half of the players overall.

Top 3 Ultramarines 40k Army Lists Before 9th Edition

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lvo 2020 tic competitiveLas Vegas Open 2020- Coverage

243rd Place: Sean McNamara- Ultramarines

Ultramarine Wal Hor


sean mcnamara 1Instead of taking Robbie G, which is the usual choice, he opted for the cheaper Marneus Calgar. Paired with a Techmarine, they both led a Battalion of Scouts and Intercessors. A squad of three Aggressors also dropped onto the field because they’re just mega-value for their points.

sean mcnamara 2Now here’s where all the points went to… A Repulsor finished off the Battalion from above while a Spearhead was taken bringing three fully-kitted Repulsor Executioners to the field as a firing platform. Throwing this all together, we’ve got a Repulsor firing wall with rerolls to hit and reroll 1’s to wound. The Techmarine could help heal them into a bracket higher if they started to downgrade. Meanwhile, the Scouts created space for the Repulsors to work safely by acting as a speed bump mid-board. Finally, the Aggressors and Intercessors were a reactionary/objective-based support unit. Sweet list.

 81st Place: Hank Adams- Ultramarines

ultramarine wal


hank adams 1Hank ran a completely different list from the one above. Starting strong with a Spearhead, he had Tigurius lead three twin lascannon Contemptors. We’re not even into the first half of the list yet and that’s already 12 lascannons on the field. Yikes.

Next, he had a Battalion led by a Captain and Lieutenant with your run-in-the-mill Intercessors as well as bringing three Invictor Warsuits to apply early game pressure. For just over 130 pts, you get 13 wounds that can infiltrate on a decently-tough body…What’s not to love? Another Dreadnought was also snuck in the list, being a Deredeo with some autocannon arms and a 5++ invuln bubble. Then lastly, three Impulsors were taken, more than likely for the Intercessors, equipped with skytalon arrays. This helped the Intercessors get up the field safely while also helping the Dreadnoughts clear the skies of anything that might be particularly hard to take down like Morty. Great work.

55th Place: Allen Marshall- Ultramarines

Space Marine walpaper


allen marshall 1Allen rolled out with Marneus and a Primaris LT like the first list we talked about. Using Scouts to create space, he had some flamer Centurions hit the field as well. Although they aren’t nearly as mobile as the Raven Guard Centurions (before the FAQ), they are still a sweet option that your opponent will be forced to deal with if they get close.

allen marshall 2Next, a Spearhead was brought with Chaplain Cassius reciting prayers and litanies to some Eliminators and a dakka Leviathan for those sweet 20 S7 2-damage shots. Finally, a Vanguard was taken with ol’ Tiggy at the helm of some Warsuits and two twin lascannon Contemptors. On top of all the shots that the Leviathan could lay down, those Contemptors could also throw out a total of 8 S9 shots each shooting phase. Great job leading the way for Ultramarines lists at 2020’s LVO!

With these lists covered, are you surprised that Guilliman didn’t see play? What’s the most competitive unit in the Ultramarines army?

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