Top 3 Unbeatable 40k Armies From the Caledonian Uprising

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Don’t miss the latest unbeatable armies for Warhammer 40k that made it to the top in the Caledonian Uprising tournament that was held recently in the UK!

From the Last Chance Open (one of the UK’s biggest ITC events) to the recent Caledonian Uprising, it looks like 40k is in a place where all kinds of lists have what it takes to be competitive in 2019.

Like most tournaments nowadays, the Caledonian Uprising saw all different kinds of lists doing great in their own right. It’s refreshing to see most players bringing homebrews and still having the ability to place high on the roster! Let’s break down the top three lists from January 18th!

Would you believe that not a single Castellan or Mortatrion list made it to the top in the tournament?

Thanks to the Element Games North West Gaming Centre for hosting us and the staff for their excellent work. And thanks to Element Games – Wargaming Webstore and for their continued support of the Caledonian events!!

Now the awards

Congratulations to Tony Chew on becoming the 2019 Uprising Champion!

Also to Alex Harrison for 2nd and Mani Cheema for 3rd (commiserations to Malik who tied on TPs with Mani but lost out on SoS)

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at all the details and check out how everything ended!

CORRECTION: The placings were out of order initially and have been corrected accordingly. 

3rd Place: Tau- Mani Cheema

Tau Wal Hor



mani cheema

Looking at Third place, Mani brought a Battalion of Tau with Fire Warriors getting buffed by Darkstrider. Commander Shadowsun is never a bad option considering you can infiltrate two melta shots almost anywhere on the field. -so she was obviously taken (not to mention double shooting either).  Meanwhile, Shield Drones formed a shell around the three Broadsides decked out with missiles. These suits were able to unleash an unholy amount of missile fire. Emperor help any unit on the receiving end of these three Broadsides while Markerlit.

To make sure the player had enough CP to keep going, he brought a second and third Battalion of the minimal Fire Warriors required. However, in one of those detachments, three Firesight Marksman were brought along to completely paint any enemy in Markerlights.

All in all, looking at this list, it works like a well-oiled machine. The Fire Warriors hold objectives and screen. The Broadsides shoot at the Markerlit threats all while being protected by a flurry of shield drones.

2nd Place: Imperial Guard- Alex Harrison

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caledonia imperial guard 2

caledonia imperial guard

From the start of 8th edition, Imperial Guard have been a top meta bruiser and it looks like things haven’t changed. Imperial Guard mixed with some Deathwatch managed to place third in the tournament.

Three whopping Battalions were filled in a 2k list with a couple of Tank Commanders, Pask, and sixty total Guardsmen Infantry. Two Guard formations out of Vigilus were used as well. -The Tank Company for his Russes and The Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company for a Wyvern.


To complement the long-range firepower and board presence of the Guard, Deathwatch and three squads of their Veterans were taken. These Vets were decked out with storm bolters, storm shields, hammers, and more. -essentially all the good stuff you’d want for a survivable squad that could still dish out some serious damage.

This list is surprisingly oppressive. Especially by the time turn two rolled around and the Deathwatch were able to come in from Deepstrike. All in all, it’s a very solid army composition and another unique playstyle to add to the list!

1st Place: Craftworlds- Tony Chew



tony chew

Ever been curious what the Eldar Airforce might look like? Here’s a glimpse! Checking out the first detachment, a mix of Hemlocks and Crimson Hunter Exarchs were taken. The Crimson Hunter Exarchs have a built-in ability to pivot, move, and pivot again. This helps maintain board control and keep unwanted deepstriking from happening in an area.

To unlock some more Stratagems, a second Air Wing detachment of Dark Eldar was taken. Two Razorwings and two Voidraven Bombers were fielded. Without going any further, you can tell this list is going to be taking up a lot of space on the field. -That’s a total of nine flyer bases in a deployment zone.

The neat thing about the Hemlock is that it is also a Psyker. He filled two roles with one! By being able to smite and deny as well as control the skies, the list proved to be an oppressive hard-hitter.

Hemlock Wraithfighter

Moving to the last detachment, a minimum-troop Battalion was brought along with three solid HQs. – An Autarch Skyrunner, a Farseer, and a Warlock Skyrunner. These helped keep Boots on the Ground as well as give a little bit more psychic support/rerolls to friendly units.

This is just another example of a unique list that’s built to operate outside the box of the normal meta. Most lists aren’t geared to come up against an almost all-flyer army. Great job!

Those two have been the archetypes for seemingly forever. The age of the homebrewed list is here and it’s like a breath of fresh air! What do you think about these lists? Do you run something similar? What factions do you play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.