4 Great Space Wolves Throwback Conversions

Space WolvesSpace Wolves are here for Saga of the Beast, and with new rules, you might be thinking about some new conversions. Check out these throwbacks!

Space Wolves are one of the most popular Chapters out there. Plus, with new rules, we’re sure we’re going to see even more now for the Vlka Fenryka!

4. A Pelt For My Rhino! Space Wolves Conversion Corner

Space Wolves FurYou know there’s a serious story behind a Rhino when it’s got its own pelt it wears into battle. Check out this sweet transport for the Wolves!

3. Even More Dangerous: Space Wolves Conversion Corner

Space WolvesThe Space Wolves have always been some of the strongest Space Marines. But one thing scarier than a normal Space Wolf is one inside a steel walker.

2. Pride of The Space Wolves: Conversion Corner

Space WolvesThe Space Wolves have always prided themselves on being one of the strongest legions and that means having some awesome weapons!

1. Space Wolves Hound Skull Primaris: Conversion Corner

space wolve sconversion corner 1The Space Wolves have jumped onto the Primaris project, quick to fix the numbers lost in the battle against Magnus and his sons. Check out this dope conversion.

After looking at the best of the best Space Wolf conversions from over the years, what’s been your favorite? Will you be bringing in some Rune-inscribed Knights to boost your firepower? What do you think of Ragnar Blackmane’s new rules?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!