Top 40k Armies From Warzone Atlanta 2019

By Rob Baer | November 11th, 2019 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Army Showcase, Warhammer 40k News

khorne knightDon’t miss out top picks for some of the best looking Warhammer 40k armies at the newly expanded Warzone Atlanta tournament. Check out these armies!

Warzone Atlanta brought some creative armies under one roof to roll some dice. Here are some of the top armies making a name for the event with their hobby theme!

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Top Imperial Armies

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Starting off, this entirely mechanized list was spotted with an incredible display. Ancient machines marched across a grassy crag as they left the walls of an Imperial fortress. This army looks like a snapshot of a fighting force moments before destruction.

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Iron Hands also hit the tabletop sporting a weathered black paint job on top of a muted desert display. All of the bases of each model matched the terrain perfectly which is always a huge hobby bonus!

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For this list, cavalry, cavalry, and more cavalry swooped in under the firepower of a Shadowsword and mortars. These Guardsmen made the Commissars in high command proud.

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This yellow Ad Mech list sported some of the newer units to hit the force in the form of plasma Disintegrators. The yellow combined with the blue “glow” from the display board really pulled the attention of everyone nearby!

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Have you ever seen such a beautiful Dreadknight conversion? This Contemptor with a Thunder Hammer is actually a Dreadknight “Counts as” in a combination for with some other Custodes goodies. But take a moment to soak in all that basing detail with LEDs from @papabehregaming.

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Over here, Squat-themed Guardsman took to the field rocking Dwarven runes and some blistering firepower. Do you have a Squat force you’ve been working on?

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These Ultramarines were given one of the more uncommon displays we’ve seen. Showing some kind of imperial outpost, these warriors manned the walls and prepared for a certain assault.

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Finally, a classic Custodes force with cherry red paint and gold in-lay designs is always a hot collection to check out. With Pallases, a Caladius, and Jetbikes hitting the field, this force was oppressive and fast.

Top Xenos Armies

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This Mechanicus army has been HEAVILY converted with all of the models putting of a grimdark Bad Moon vibe. All of these models are incredible to look at, but on top of this three-dimensional display, this force was turning heads.

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For Necrons, these guys took a purple Nightlords kind of aesthetic to the field. Bringing in an alien purple mixed with highlighted streaks across their armor, these guys were a fast-flying force to be reckoned with. It’s a low model count but definitely looks fast-paced.

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This Tau player brought in another one of the cooler display boards from the event as well. With Tau propaganda plastered on some of the walls of the display board, the models had some real character as well. Each one of these battlesuits has been weathered to look like they’ve been in the field longer than expected. Just check out how rugged this Riptide looks.

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This Necron list brought a whole tomb world to a display board and has some dope edge-highlighting on every sharp edge of its army’s models!

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This Tau strike force hit the tabletop with a crisp candy blue paint job on top of a cracker-desert base design. These two colors contrast extremely well and pop on the tabletop!

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Finally, these Tau dropped the brightly-colored paint jobs and went for a more neutral camo to fit their surroundings. The dense jungle basing ties in the whole force to the display board!

Top Chaos Armies

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Starting off with a Chaos army from Luke Slothower, a combination of Slaanesh and Khorne was taken. Turning heads with an incredible serpentine Daemon Prince and horrifying Khornate Knight, this list looks aggressive and oppressive!

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Undead-themed Chaos knights marched on top of a cemetery display board with units pulled from AoS as conversion pieces! These Knights all rocked a ghastly green color scheme with bony faceplates for heads.

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Looking at more Knights, this force traded out the fourth mechanical walker for the points to dump a ton of little Daemons on the field. Daemons acted as a little cushion for enemy units that want to get within stomping range of these Knights.

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Coming in with a heavy Khorne theme, these Chaos fighters even had a maw of boiling souls on their board. Nothing says Chaos quite like a daemonic pot filled with Loyalists that weren’t lucky enough to find death.

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And finally, this list brought in Daemons mixed with other Chaotic walkers. Bloodletters formed the initial shock troops for the force while an albino Bloodthirster really stood out from the rest! Awesome job!

Top Armies: Long War Doubles

The Long War Doubles have brought some creative armies under one roof to roll some dice. Taking place as a part of Warzone: Atlanta, here are some of the top armies spotted across the tabletop!

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Starting off, the Adeptus Custodes joined forces with some Armiger Helverins. Bringing a majority of the long-range firepower, the Helverins hung back and covered the assault of these red-clad supersoldiers of man. That red shade on the Custodes looks incredible too. It’s not a typical red color we see all too often.

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Moving onto another Imperial soup list, these players brought Sisters of Silence, Custodes, and Imperial Fists. Rolled up into one smooth-operating fighting force, every model on this display board had a crisp painting detail. Just check out that yellow!

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Next up, Guilliman requisitioned the assistance from some suspiciously GSC-looking tanks. All things considered, the pilots inside are 100% loyal and ready to die for the (four-armed) Emperor!

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Blood Angels joined forces with some Imperial Guard and Armigers. Two of the Armigers were Warglaives, being able to keep up with the combat prowess of Sanguinius’ sons. These models have a ton of detail as well. From light paint weathering to smaller decals, every unit in this force had some hobby love packed in.

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Warzone Atlanta long war imperial army 10Finally, these Dark Angels made full use of the new Primaris arsenal bringing in plasma Inceptors, Aggressors, and a few Intercessors. But each model has a fantastic scenic base as well as a very clean pin wash. Awesome job!

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Iron Warriors enlisted the help of some other Heretic Knight households and brought in their grotesque, warp-twisted siege units as well.

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With one of the more unique displays we’ve ever seen, this Aeldari force used a cake as their display board! Talk about thinking outside of the box in a way that EVERY judge will love.

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And finally, the most elite Ork list we’ve seen, two Big Meks rolled onto the table with two Stompas. Each model (there’s only four), has had some serious custom work/hobby love thrown in. energy fields swirling around the Big Mek’s heads to the incredibly crisp details found on each metal panel of the Stompas, this list definitely surprised its opponents.

What do you think about these armies? Which one has your favorite display board? What faction do you play?

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