Top 40k Grey Knights Combos To Watch Out For Now

grey knights wal hor titleGrey Knights and have a few new tricks up their sleeve. Here are some of their top 40k combos to watch out for now from Ritual of the Damned.

Grey Knights are beginning to show their true strength since time has gone on from their full reveal of rules inside of Ritual of the Damned. With this army being comprised of nothing but elite Psykers, here are some of the synergies we’ve spotted that’ll make for an interesting game.

Top 40k Grey Knights Combos To Watch Out For Now

masters of the warp tides Grey KnightsWhile we break down the synergies, you’ll have to look at the different Tides available to Grey Knights. Specifically the Tide of Shadows. Which makes your units always count as being in cover. And if they’re standing in a Terrain piece, they are -1 to hit.

Flyers & Tide of Shadows

stormravenFlyers like the Stormraven in Grey Knights are going to be particularly potent while the Tide of Shadows Doctrine is active.  Stormravens in the zooming mode are already an innate -1 to hit. However, it looks like rules as written: If you position yourself correctly and put your base in cover, the way it’s worded it seems like your Stormravens will be -2 to hit with a 2+ Sv. (That’s not bad at all considering the additional -1 to hit and +1 Sv doesn’t cost any points).

The key question that might arise from here is that if an airborne unit’s base is over a terrain piece, is the unit itself technically on the terrain to proc the rule? Or is it implied that the model is actually not on the terrain and just has to have a base? (Because gravity).

Overall, a list packing something like three Stormravens full of Strike Squads that are -2 to hit sounds like a fast-paced army composition that Grey Knights can get behind. The units inside the Stormravens will still have to come in on turn 2. However, dropping 40+ storm bolter shots in the enemy’s face on top of any other Stormravens they didn’t kill in their one-turn clock is going to be the demise of any remaining screens they might have at the very least.

Plus don’t forget they can take Stormtalons and Stormhawks now too! Mmmmm dakka!

Paladins Will Be a New Kind of Speed Bump

Grey KnightsJumping into another synergy, Paladin squads are going to be tougher than ever. While they’re slow, they do at least have the ability to deepstrike and come with a fat 3-wounds vs. normal Terminator’s 2-wounds.

If you’re looking for a mid-board wall that forces your opponent to deal with or even cause an objective-capping headache in the backfield of your opponent’s deployment, you might want to try this combo out. Depending on the points you have to work with, you’ll want to take a Paladin squad with whatever wargear you want. Just make sure you take a warding stave or two depending on your squad size. That’ll give them an insanely useful 4++ invuln in melee.

robs grey knights 4So to start this combo off, take your Grey Knights using the Tide of Shadows rule. If you deepstrike, make sure you drop your units in cover for a -1 to hit bonus on top of the additional cover save. However, you can also always start them on the board in some ruins… Just depends on your game.

grey knight litaniesIn either case, you’ll want to make sure you bring a Chaplain with them bringing the Litany of Faith. This gives a unit a 5+++ FNP against mortal wounds. Just remember that if you deepstrike your Paladins, you’ll have to go a turn without the FNP from the Chaplain because they have to recite their litany at the START of the movement phase.

robs grey knights 6If you opt to start your Paladins on the board, by turn one you should have a football team with a 1+ Sv (4++ in melee) with a 5+++ FNP (against mortals) and is -1 to hit. If you combine all that with an easy fix to speed being Gate of Infinity, you can juice up the Paladins and then fling them up the board 9″ away.

Yes, it takes a bunch of points to sink into the Paladins but the combo isn’t hard to pull off at all and you will almost always force your opponent to react, drawing fire away from your Dreadknights/Purgation squads. Overall, it might be worth a playtest or two.

That is just the tip of the new rules iceberg, stay tuned for more!

What are you going to be using in your next game with Grey Knights? Are there other synergies you’ve spotted that you want to test? 

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