A Shocking New Top 40k Homebrew Army List From Adepticon 2023

40k-homebrew-army-listsYou won’t belive what scored the top spot as our new homebrew Warhammer 40k army list from the Adepticon Champs 2023!

Check out this excellent homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend that once again shows that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 40k Homebrew Army List: Adepticon Champs 2023

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves.  Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

Adepticon Champs 2023 top 8

Adepticon Champs 2023: Kevin Leonard – Nurgle Daemons 6th Place

Nurgle Herald Wal Hor


Kevin Leonard 1

Kevin’s Daemons went with a strategy that hasn’t seen any play recently! He went for full Nurgle Daemons, and didn’t even bring Be’lakor! It was led by Two Great Unclean Ones that are massive threats and can also support with Psychic powers, followed by Rotigus doing the same but a little better.

Finally, Mamon Transfigured for a great model all around and a cheaper body than the 3 Greater Daemons.

Troops then bring in the 8th edition staple of 9 Nurglings to charge units and tie them in combat while soaking wounds for an extremely low price-per-model.

Kevin Leonard 2

Elites bring in three Beasts of Nurgle for the same reason: tie units up in combat and soak wounds. And finally, the list closes on three Soul Grinders for decent threats with great combat stats.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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