Top 40k Homebrew Army List From The Firebug Open

40k-homebrew-army-listsYou won’t believe what scored the top spot as our new homebrew Warhammer 40k army list from the Firebug Open!

Check out this excellent homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend that once again shows that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 40k Homebrew Army List: Firebug Open

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Check out more details here.

Firebug Open 2023 top 8

Firebug Open: Christian Breuer – Sisters of Battle 7th Place

sisters wal hor celestine of battle warhammer top army lists


Christian Breuer 1

Christian brought this Sisters of Battle list to a solid top 8 finish! His list was led by a Canoness for the reroll aura. At the same time, the named characters in Celestine, Ephrael Stern, and Morvenn Vahl are all powerhouse units with insane combat power and some decent faction support baked into each of them!

Christian Breuer 2

Troops bring in five simple Battle Sisters for some cheap bodies to round out the point total.

Elites have quite a few selections starting with 10 Sacresants for melee power and to help protect the characters, while 14 Repentia and two Crusaders serve as the central melee units of the list. There is also a Dogmata for some extra support, thanks to the Litanies they come with.

Christian Breuer 3

Fast Attack has 15 Zephyrim for mobility and decent close-range combatants. While Heavy Support brings in five Retributors for the main ranged anti-armor threats.

Christian Breuer 4

The detachment ends on a Rhino, which serves as a simple transport and can pump out a few more rounds each round it’s alive.

To cap things off the list, it has a Super-heavy contingent with three Helverins for some significant armored threats with decent mobility to top it all off!

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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