Top 40k Xenos Armies From Warzone Atlanta 2019

warzone singles xenos walThe 2019 Warzone Atlanta GT pulled in some incredible looking Xenos armies. Check out these hobby masterpieces that were spotted on the tables!

The Warzone: Atlanta, tourney has brought some creative armies under one roof to roll some dice. Here are some of the top Xenos armies going one-on-one against each other.

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Top Xenos Armies From Warzone Atlanta 2019

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This Mechanicus army has been HEAVILY converted with all of the models putting of a grimdark Bad Moon vibe. All of these models are incredible to look at, but on top of this three-dimensional display, this force was turning heads.

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For Necrons, these guys took a purple Nightlords kind of aesthetic to the field. Bringing in an alien purple mixed with highlighted streaks across their armor, these guys were a fast-flying force to be reckoned with. It’s a low model count but definitely looks fast-paced.

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This Tau player brought in another one of the cooler display boards from the event as well. With Tau propaganda plastered on some of the walls of the display board, the models had some real character as well. Each one of these battlesuits has been weathered to look like they’ve been in the field longer than expected. Just check out how rugged this Riptide looks.

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This Necron list brought a whole tomb world to a display board and has some dope edge-highlighting on every sharp edge of its army’s models!

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This Tau strike force hit the tabletop with a crisp candy blue paint job on top of a cracker-desert base design. These two colors contrast extremely well and pop on the tabletop!

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Finally, these Tau dropped the brightly-colored paint jobs and went for a more neutral camo to fit their surroundings. The dense jungle basing ties in the whole force to the display board!

With all of these Xenos forces spotted at the Warzone Atlanta, which force looks the most competitive? What’s your favorite display board?

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