Check out these top 8 Xenos 40k armies from the 2020 LVO. They are probably most noticeable for their flashy color and far-out models.
The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Take a look at these head-spinning Xenos armies on the tabletop!
Rocking the tried and true Aeldari list, this player spammed the best Flyers and best Vehicles of the faction. Rolling in with a unique blue and red color scheme, these models also came on a dope grassy display.
For Necrons, they rolled into Vegas with their classic Xenos green glow effect. However, it’s done so well it almost looks like the Necrons have an energy field around them. Definitely a dope scheme to match with their Necron-themed mat.
Reaching into the Tau, this list used Riptides and all of the Drones they could possibly muster. But in all of that, the icy blue mixed with the white secondary makes this force look clean and fresh off of the Manta!
This list is one of our favorites because the purple and white scheme is cool. However, it also had a dope LED aspect that most armies don’t dare to venture into. Plus, the Flyers had some alien-like vegetation hiding their flyer-stand.
Back to the Tau, these guys rocked one of the notoriously difficult colors to paint- Yellow with some burnt orange highlights! These models all looked equally clean and are one some detailed rocky bases.
Sean’s Aelari stand out for two reasons. The green is for some reason, one that we don’t see a lot of in Eldar armies. And two, each model is wearing a wraithbone-colored suit.
Showing a little bit of love to the Orks, these models are all insanely packed with detail and you better believe every last bit was covered! Rocking swarms of infantry and with the looks of every model being painted by a manual brush, this hobbyist has the right to flex his army however he wants.
And finally, these Drukhari might be a fairly basic black primary, but the detail-work of white inscriptions on every single vehicle is proof of some serious hobby love going into these guys.
We move fast taking pictures at events. If any of these are your army and would like credit for it, email us at
With Xenos armies hitting the tables with incredible colors and unique details, which one of these top picks is your personal favorite?
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