Top Gork: Adepticon 2018 40k Team Display

top gork adepticon 2018

Today we’re taking a look at Top Gork, one of our favorite displays from the Adepticon 2018 40k Team Tournament because it allowed anyone to race slot cars on the track itself!

The Adepticon 2018 Team Tournament brought out some of the best displays we’ve ever seen, and the Top Gork display was one of the most fun displays we’ve ever had the chance of seeing.

Ork Team Adepticon 2018

The team that put this one together themed it around one of their favorite tv shows, Top Gear, and it featured a fully operable slot car race track that attendees were encouraged to give a try in an attempt to set the fastest time. Let’s take a closer look.

Ork Team Adepticon 2018 Ork Team Adepticon 2018

Everywhere you looked on this display had something to see, we even got a look at an Ork inside the tunnel, with fans cheering the racers on from the bleachers.

Ork Team Adepticon 2018

Not many people got a look at the back once the team got the display set up in the hallway of the convention center, but the racers can be seen speeding to the top of this vertical stretch, with plenty of twists and turns ahead of them.Ork Team Adepticon 2018 Ork Team Adepticon 2018

As far as fun goes, this display definitely took first!

Very few team displays ever get the spectator involved, but the team of Top Gork encouraged everyone to try to get their hands on the controllers and try to beat the fastest times. Congratulations on a job well done, we can’t wait to see what they have in store for next year!

Adepticon 2018 was definitely a really good time and we’re glad we got the opportunity to see this amazing display. Make sure you’re checking back in with us throughout the week as we showcase more of our favorite displays from the Team Tournament.


Adepticon 2018 Coverage