Two more off-meta 40k army lists emerged in the New Years Brawl GT. Take a look at these homebrew lists!
9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and just goes to show that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.
Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: New Years Brawl GT
Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.
New Years Brawl GT: Mark Perry- Slaanesh
The first section of the list is, of course, Shalaxi Helbane and Syll’Esske, these are beasts in melee and are very hard to deal with effectively given that they are each only 240/230 pts. Follow that up with 60 Daemonettes and you’ve got a pretty solid starting point for a Slaanesh list. There’s a ton of bodies, plus some great characters who arent afraid to square off in melee against other heavy hitters.
Elites and Fast Attack see Fiends and Furies for some added mobility to try and snag any units alone before reinforcements can assist. Each of these have pretty good movement and okay combat profiles, while not being too unreasonably costed.
The second Patrol Detachment brings two unnamed Keeper of secrets, bring the total count up to three. These are beasts in melee, so having two more is nothing short of a positive. Five more Furies means the list has just a tad bit more mobility, and a squad of 28 Daemonettes rounds out the remain points for even more bodies that are decent enough in melee.
Assuming they don’t get shot off the board, this list loves getting in melee. If they make it in, they have a pretty good chance of succeeding. These were a top faction back around November but fell out of the spotlight. Maybe there is still potential for dedicated Slaanesh lists?
New Years Brawl GT: Jon-michael Gordon- Orks
Starting off with the Ork list, Ghazghkull, and a Weirdboy as super standard choices. Plus a Deffkill Wartrike as a slightly more unique one, offering a ton of kill potential.
For troops, there are 3 squads of 30 Boyz offering a ton of chaff for not too many points. All of them have Tankbusta bombs and Killsaws, meaning they have some antiarmor and decent melee options. A single Gretchin squad of 10 offers just a few more chaff bodies.
Then for Elites, there is two 5 man squad of Tankbusta Bomb Kommandos, offering some anti-armor and blast.
Starting the Heavy support, there are two Bonebreakas with a Deff Rolla, getting more melee support with staying power. While two Mek Gunz with Smasha Guns allows for decent shooting.
The only Flyer is a single Burna-Bommer for that cheap air presence and great dive bomb when the time comes and it is about to die, pumping out a good amount of mortals.
Overall these lists offer a little bit of a different approach but we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they got great results from the players who piloted them! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.
What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from last weekend that caught our eye?
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