Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: Per Aspera Double Ironman

40k-homebrew-army-listsTwo more off-meta army lists emerged in these 9th Edition 40k tournaments over the weekend- take a look at these homebrew lists!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists December 5th

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Per Aspera Double Ironman: Necrons- Robert Harp

necron wal


per aspera necron 1Starting off strong the Necron list takes the big man, The Silent King himself. Usually, he’s backed with a bunch of troops to benefit from his auras, but this list is different.

per aspera necron 2For the Second Detachment, they went for an Outrider featuring a Chronomancer for the charge rerolls, Not to mention a Nightbringer Shard who got pushed out of the limelight when Void Dragon dropped, keep in mind it is still as good as it used to be hence why they are taking it. There are also 2 Crptothralls, to help protect the Chronomancer.


per aspera necron 3For Fast Attacks, they took 15 scarab swarms to screen and also lock enemies up in combat. While that’s going on the 8 Wraiths will be able to zip around and target some key units (hopefully).

per aspera necron 4The third and final detachment is a patrol with another set of Chronomancer plus Crypothralls aiming to do the same thing. Alongside them is 5 Immortals to give the list a bit of shooting, and a Void Dragon Shard to serve as the big baddy in melee and charge units (with rerolls thanks to Chronomancers) and hopefully delete anything he fights.

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Per Aspera Double Ironman: Dark Angels- Jason Watts

dark angel space marine wal


per aspera da 1Now you might be thinking, “oh great, more marines”, but this one is different. It is actually surprisingly fluffy while being functional. For HQs they took Azrael for rerolls galore, plus 4+ invulns to his buddies around him, and two Ravenwing Talonmasters.

per aspera da 2A single squad of infiltrators offers a bit of objective taking power while giving a tad of ranged support to the rest of the list, and bubble out enemy reinforcements some.

Then straight into Elites, we see a Deathwing Ancient giving a leadership bonus and allows some models to hit before they die. There are also two Deathwing Command Squads with a double lightning claw and a Hammer/shield combo offering some beaters.

per aspera da 3Continuing the Elites we see another identical command squad for more beaters and 5 Deathwing Knights which bring even more melee focussed beat sticks.

Finally getting out of the realm of melee, there is a 3 man Attack Bike squad each running meltas for some anti-armor ranged support that is pretty mobile. There is also the slightly more elite 3 man Invader ATV squad also running all meltas.

per aspera da 4Lastly for Heavy Support we see the tried and true 6 Eradicators giving the list all the anti-armor it could ever ask for, while the Deathwing runs around demolishing normal units.

Overall both of these lists offer a little bit of a different approach by we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they got great results from the players who piloted them!

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from last weekend that caught our eye?

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