Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: The Cool Place RTT Tournament

40k-homebrew-army-listsTwo more off-meta 40k army lists emerged in The Cool Place RTT Tournament, which of these do you like more in 9th Edition?

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and just goes to show that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists: The Cool Place RTT Tournament

best coast pairings

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

The Cool Place RTT Tournament: Teddy Woody- Death Guard

Death Guard Wal Hor Nurgle Death Guard Space Marine Heroes 3 SPOTTED!


cool place dg 1For the first detachment of DG Teddy decided to go for a vanguard stacking a ton of characters into the list. It is led by a Malignant Plague caster who provides some great Psychic support to the list.

Then there is 30 Death Guard Possessed, who got a great buff with the Codex release and judging by Teddy’s results very tournament viable. There is also a single squad of Deathshroud Terminators who can prevent enemies from shooting at your other characters, which there are plenty of in this list.

cool place dg 2

Finishing out the Vanguard, there is a squad of Foetid Virions, which are actually just a bundle of characters. The Blightspawn, Blightbringer, and Tallyman all offer different buffs that can support the list a ton ranging from buffing grenades to movement.

As for the second detachment, there is a patrol lead by a Lord of Contagion, who is a beat stick in his own right and also happens to help dish out some mortal wounds.

cool place dg 3This detachment is pretty straight forward with 37 pox walkers for screening and mucking up objectives. 10 Blightlord Terminators bring axes, flails, and launchers for a mix of great melee and alright anti-armour.

The Terminators are fantastic, with the only drawback of the list being a potential lack of ranged anti-armour. There is also a notable missing Mortarion, which most would consider one of if not the best model in the game. It’s great to see people try to field the army without him and still see success.

The Cool Place RTT Tournament: Connor Benenati- Ultramarines

Ultramarine Wal Hor


cool place ultra 1Connor chose to have an Ultramarine force lead by two Characters, a Primaris Chaplain, and Chief Librarian Tigurius. Each of these offers a sweet of buffs and powers that will help the rest of the list do what they already do better. Tigurius also happens to be one of the better psykers in the game.

cool place ultra 2There are a total of 10 Incursors and 10 Intercessors, giving the list a decent variety of the basic troop’s options for taking objectives and acting as the first line of defense.

Elites bring a Primaris Apothecary, who can help keep your most valuable assets alive to help squeeze out extra value over the course of the game.

cool place ultra 3A Redemptor offers a mix of both chaff clearing and anti-armor making it pretty versatile, but not really amazing at either. 4 Victrix Honor Guard act as the old school bodyguards rans and has a few different stats, but ultimately fill the same role of elite melee unit.

The first Fast Attack unit is an Inceptor Squad of 5 running Plasma Exterminators which are fantastic anti-armor weapons.

cool place ultra 4

cool place ultra 5Heavy Supports bring two Squads of 5 Devastators each running Grav-cannons, adding, even more, ranged firepower to the list without very much investment.

cool place ultra 6Finally in a separate detachment the warlord, Roboute Guilliman is also taking the field. He is still one of the best melee combatants and adds some great abilities to any Ultramarine list. They have been a little overshadowed recently but that doesn’t mean they aren’t viable as Connor has proven.

Overall these lists offer a little bit of a different approach but we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they got great results from the players who piloted them! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from last weekend that caught our eye?

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